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Welcome to our fifth annual Major Matchup! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the amazing degree programs at the University of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC). This beloved game has become a tradition at the University, and we’re ready to see who will be crowned victor in 2022. Read on to learn more about this year’s contest, and then be sure to cast your votes below to help us determine the 2022 UAGC Major Matchup winner!

A Look Back

Over the past four years, our spirited bracket-style competition — which runs during the NCAA® March Madness® basketball competition — has pitted the top 16 degree programs or majors* against each other and let our “fans” vote each week for their favorite, narrowing the list down to the ultimate winner.

Since its inception, we have crowned a new major the winner each year, with human resources management, business administration, and early childhood education taking home the title of champion between 2018 and 2021. 

Last year, the contest received a slight makeover when faculty from the Forbes School of Business and Technology® and the College of Arts and Sciences battled it out for the first time. Dr. William Woods, who represented organizational management, took on Dr. Michelle Rosser-Majors, who represented psychology. It was a very close race, but in the end, Psychology won its first Major Matchup title.

UAGC Major Matchup 2022

Much like you may have witnessed in 2021, you will still see the Forbes School of Business and Technology® face-off against the College of Arts and Sciences. For each bracket, you will have an opportunity to hear from a faculty member on why the major they are representing is the most unique and why it should be crowned the winner of the 2022 Major Matchup. Essentially, you are voting for the faculty members who make the best “case” for the major. 

For the final bracket round, you will have an opportunity to hear from the faculty representing the last two majors in a Facebook Live event, where they will reply to questions from a moderator and questions from the viewers. After the event, you will be invited to cast one final vote to help determine the 2022 UAGC Major Matchup champion! 

Are you fired up for your favorite faculty pitches? Get ready to vote! Just remember, your vote only counts once per game!

uagc major matchup game 1 brackets

Meet the 2022 UAGC Major Matchup Contestants

Now’s your chance to help decide who will win the 2022 UAGC Major Matchup. Check out these 16 faculty pitches representing programs from the Forbes School of Business and Technology® and the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Have a look below to watch the videos. Then cast your vote in all eight brackets to help us take this contest to Round 2 next week. Voting is open until April 3. Who will make it into the next round of voting? You decide! Vote for the faculty member who makes the most convincing argument in all eight brackets below.

Game 1: Psychology vs. Early Childhood Education

Psychology vs Early Childhood Education

First up is psychology vs. early childhood education, both programs in the College of Arts and Sciences at UAGC. Representing psychology is Dr. Dana Dillard, who is back to defend the reigning title. Dr. Amy Johnson is also here to see if early childhood education can reclaim the win from 2020. Who has the most convincing argument for the best major? Watch their videos, and then cast your vote below.



Dr. Dana Dillard: “Do you work with people? Do you parent people or teach people? I know. Do you know people? Like people? Or maybe even dislike people? My name is Dr. Dana Dillard, and I would like to share why a UAGC psychology degree is so special. You see psychology is all about people. Okay, call me out on a technicality, because psychology is about the mind, brain, and behavior. But that's what people are. Squishy, gelatiny clumps of cells that generate electricity, producing mind, personality, behaviors, feeling, thoughts, beliefs, dreams. Psychology is the study of all of these things in one person, as well as what happens when that one squishy mass of personality beliefs, behaviors, dreams, hopes, interacts with another. Psychology is for everyone. If you want to understand why your child throws a temper tantrum at 2 a.m., or why you forgot where your keys are, but you can remember the name of your first-grade teacher, developmental psychology might be for you. Interested in knowing why being introverted or ambiverted is awesome? Personality Psychology might be your new favorite class. Interested in understanding how stress influences health and how we can learn to manage it instead of it running our lives? Health Psychology. Want to come up with ideas to help your employees actually love what they do? Industrial and Organizational Psychology might be where you are interested in studying. Quite simply, psychology is for everyone. And in fact, I would love to issue the challenge for anyone to come up with an interest, career direction, personal or academic goal, or hobby that does not connect with people and behaviors. Psychology as a degree is useful in so many fields, from accountants to writers, political scientists to teacher, salespersons to nurse practitioners, clergy to clerical. Psychology fits everywhere. But psychology at UAGC? Now that is something really special. Our faculty are diverse, specializing in research, education, neuroscience, personality, business, and more. We also have an incredible group of alumni and students, many who are active in the UAGC Psych Club, which currently sits over 9,300 members. These members network, engage, and interact and help make what can feel so distant in online learning feel like something so much more. So, you see, while psychology is all about people, what makes psychology at UAGC so special is the people. So come on, UAGC students, alumni, faculty, staff, friends, and family: click that button to show and share your love for our Psychology programs in the UAGC 2022 Major Matchup.” 

Early Childhood Education

An online degree from the University of Arizona Global Campus does not lead to immediate teacher licensure in any state.

Dr. Amy Johnson: “Hi, I'm Amy Johnson, one of the faculty members for the BA in Early Childhood Education. To help you understand why the BA in ECE program is the best at UAGC, I'd like to read you a story about a student named Jamie. Once upon a time, a student named Jamie decided it was time to further her career in the field of early childhood education. She was nervous to get back to school, dig into readings, and complete assignments, but she knew that the reward would be worth it. Before she knew it was time for her course to begin, and she set off on a magical journey. She was fascinated to better understand how children grow, develop, and learn. She was particularly inspired to learn that there are many approaches to supporting children's development. Throughout her courses, she would have many opportunities to refine her beliefs about the types of inclusive learning environments she wanted to create. Just when Jamie was confident in her knowledge of milestones and Theory, she was launched into the land of curriculum, where she discovered all about developmentally appropriate strategies to support learning. With these tools in her toolbox, she learned about creating a standards-based curriculum that would support the unique needs of each child. From her previous work in a childcare center, Jamie knew that it was important to observe, document, and assess learners to ensure the lessons would meet their needs. Jamie was thrilled to increase her knowledge about these topics and to learn new ways to use this information to support learning. Who knew assessments could be fun? As soon as Jamie started her degree, she couldn't wait to take her courses on collaborating with families and the community, and supporting children and families in a diverse society. Jamie remembered that when she was a child, the school she attended was so welcoming to her family, and she wanted to learn ideas to advocate for the diverse families she would support someday. Jamie was happy on graduation day and told all her friends about the amazing time she had in the BA ECE program at UAGC. Thanks for voting for the BA in Early Childhood Education program.” 

Who makes the better case for the best major? Cast your vote now! 



Game 2: Organizational Management vs. Project Management

organizational management vs project management


Next up are two Forbes School of Business and Technology® fan faves: organizational management and project management.

Returning for a second chance at the title is Dr. William Woods, representing organizational management, and Dr. Gail Hoskyns-Long, who is here to speak on behalf of project management. Who has the most convincing program pitch? Watch the videos, and then cast your vote below.

Organizational Management


Dr. William Woods: “It's time for you to join the Master of Arts in Organizational Management. All right, all right, let's get this started. It's my challenge to all of you brave hearted. I'm not talking about fortune or fame, but in this life you got to up your game. I'm talking about 33 credits in just 11 manager classes. And after that, we'll all be lifting our glasses, shouting ‘cheers. Cheers. Woo. Cheers. Cheers.’ That's right. Lift them up, lift them up. Cheers. Cheers. With a Master of Arts in Organizational Management. Go ahead. Go ahead. It's time for you to handle it. Boosting up your resume, putting all your skills in place. You learned it. You earned it. What can I say? At UAGC, everybody shower me. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers, that's right. Now, lift them up, lift them up. Cheers. Cheers. The Master of Arts in Organizational Management, 11 manager classes. It's time for you to handle it. And remember, after that, keep your eyes on graduation, because that'll be your time to rock this nation.”

Project Management

Successful completion of this degree by itself does not qualify a student to sit for any certification examinations offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) including the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), Project Management Professional (PMP), Program Management Professional (PgMP), PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), or the PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP).

Dr. Gail Hoskyns-Long: “Hello. My name is Gail Hoskyns-Long, and I'm the lead faculty for the Bachelor of Arts in Project Management. I'm here to tell you about the project management program and why you should choose project management. Why project management? Because the knowledge from project management can open many types of doors. Since there are so many areas and opportunities. Project management is used in virtually every type of profession. Project management can be used in your current profession, your personal life, education, the military, and even down the road if you decide to change professions. Everyone is involved in projects during their lifetime. Some of the types of projects include things such as space missions, starting your own business, creating a training course, updating software, bringing a product to market, testing or distributing a new vaccine, building highways, building bridges, any type of construction work, taking your company remote, or even a remodel program in your home, or planning an event such as a wedding or a conference. Project managers are in demand . Get familiar and gain the foundation needed to become a project manager. While completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Project Management does not qualify you to sit for the Project Management Professional certificate exam (PMP), and/or the CAPM®, that's the Certified Associate in Project Management, certificate exam, the program curriculum can help you prepare for these exams and can be a great way for you to showcase your knowledge and skills. You will learn the steps from planning a project throughout closing a project. You'll learn strategies, as well as using tools as the work, breakdown structure, earned value management, critical path, Gantt charts, things like return on investment. Be successful. Project management knowledge can lead you in the direction you want to go. Choose the Forbes School of Business and Technology® Bachelors of Arts in Project Management degree. Thank you.” Did Dr. Wood’s rhyme seal the deal? Or did Dr. Gail Hoskyns-Long’s argument about the demand for project managers and abundant career opportunities hammer home that project management is the best?

Vote now!



Game 3: Health Care Administration vs. Public Health

health care versus public health

Next up is health care administration vs. public health, programs at the College of Arts and Sciences. For the last two years, graduates with these degrees played a pivotal role in helping patients and facilities navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Two different programs. Both very critical. But only one can move on to the next round. Here, Dr. Christine McMahon discusses the many merits of health care administration, while Charles Holmes is here to represent public health. Watch their pitches, then cast your vote!

Health Care Administration


Dr. Christine McMahon: “This is the Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Administration. Take a look at these health care professionals. What do they all have in common? They are often working hard behind the scenes to ensure quality, efficient health care services that are being provided to patients. They have played an integral part of serving the community at all times, but especially in the past two years, with the COVID pandemic. If you think you may enjoy being in charge and overseeing the day-to-day operations of a health care organization, a degree in health care administration may be for you. Are you having difficulty deciding on a career path? Did you know health care administrator positions are growing at 32%? There is a continued projected shortage of administrators. And the average salary for health care administrators is just over $100,000 dollars per year? And the entry-level degree to become a health care administrator is the Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Administration. So, what will the UAGC Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Administration prepare you for? You can prepare you for fields in health care office staff, medical administration, health care strategy, facilities management, and some of the other areas you see on the screen. So, if you are ready to get started in a position in health care administration, our program is waiting for you.”

Public Health


Dr. Charles Holmes: “Oh, hi. Didn't see you there. My name is Dr. Charles Holmes, and I'd like to tell you about some of the amazing things that we're doing in the Master of Public Health program. First, I'd like to start off with our amazing students. I'm happy to say that over 90% of our students have chosen to use their practicum time to directly impact the COVID pandemic. We've had students use contract tracing, which is epidemiology to actually track the progression of the virus. We have students working in real time with patients with active infections, trying to determine how they've been disproportionately impacted, whether they've been vaccinated and unvaccinated, whether they've had any environmental impacts that have disproportionately impacted them. So that's been truly amazing. And then we also have students working on the future, students working with researchers to try and anticipate what future variants may be, or what future pandemics may come for future generations. So it's been truly outstanding. As far as public health in general, the field is growing quite rapidly. I mean, if you think of all the things that we impact, public health is in control of air quality, water quality, soil quality, environmental quality. So, we do basically everything you interact with on a daily basis. Public health has some impact on it. As far as a program, we've been very, very lucky. We launched in March of 2018, and today, we've already had over 65 graduates. We have one of the highest retention rates at the University of Arizona Global Campus. And I can only foresee very, very bright future for our program. So, if you have an interest in the public health program, I hope you'll be reaching out to us soon. And hopefully, also you'll vote us forward in the Major Matchup. Thanks so much. Bye, bye.”


Game 4: Operations Management and Analysis vs. Human Resources Management

Operations Management and Analysis vs. Human Resources Management

Now we’re going to hear from two more popular majors at the Forbes School of Business and Technology®: operations management and analysis and past Major Matchup champion human resources management. On the operations management front, we have Bill Davis. And presenting for human resources is Leah Westerman. Whose argument is stronger? Watch, then vote below!

Operations Management and Analysis 


Bill Davis: “Hello, UAGC students. My name is Bill Davis. I'm a lead faculty assistant professor in the Forbes School of Business and Technology® here at the University of Arizona Global Campus. You know, it's an honor and a pleasure to be here to give you an overview of the operations management and analysis program. Now, before I begin, if you'd like to learn a little bit about myself, just go ahead and Google Bill Davis, UAGC. You should see my bio. And again, I oversee the operations management and analysis program. Now, with that said, what I'd like to tell you is that operations management, it's what businesses do. There's operational processes that produce either goods, or they produce services. And operations management takes place in all kinds of businesses: restaurants, retail, hospitals. It takes place in colleges, universities, supermarkets. Just think about it. They're all operating, right? And I've always embraced through my particular career is people, process, structure, because if you get them right, you put it all together, it works, you get favorable outcomes, you get quality. Everybody wins. Business follows, you know, sales and everything just keeps rolling. And also, the other thing I've embraced is the five functions of management, planning, organizing, leading, staffing, and controlling. I believe in them. I believe they're one coordinated system. And if you manage those kind of things, plan your work, work your plan, things just come out. Now, what I wanted to tell you was that in this program, you're gonna learn about system analysis, you're going to assess methods. You're going to learn about knowledge about project management, program management. You'll examine organizations, their operations. You'll also look at supply chains. You’ll look at the effective decision making, the tools to measure all of that process stuff is in there as well as quality management. We have a great list of courses here. There's 15 of them. The sequence courses, management, microeconomics, accounting, operations management, quantitative techniques. I'm just naming a few. Business systems, decision modeling, quality management, all there for you. Now, with that said, all of this can help you in your existing career and help you elevate or help the organization for whatever your reasons are for being in here. But you'll become better. You'll build more capacity, you’ll gain knowledge off the job, and you'll be able to apply that knowledge where you work. But if you're looking for a career in operations management, realize there's all kinds of careers out there. Think about that, go to the website. You can see our site, and you can see everything that's involved there. But it's a great program. I've seen it just continue to grow and see students succeed, and I'm happy for them. And that's why we exist: for you. So, continue that. We're in this together. Realize that the vision we have is to empower you, support you, enrich you, and graduate. We're in this together, all the faculty are I oversee. So, we've got a great team. We're here to help you to pay it forward. Please support the operations management and analysis program. Thank you for listening. I wish you much continued success. Thank you.” 

Human Resources Management


Leah Westerman: “The Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources Management program is a slam dunk and should win this year's Major Matchup. Human resources is a 3-pointer. In this position, you'll be in a position of influence and have the ability to change lives. HR is also a steal. HR is essential to all organizations. You can develop the people around you, inspire, motivate, and share your passion. HR is an And 1. There's always growth with relationships and there’s gratification through problem solving. HR is a buzzer beater. You'll get to welcome and be the first face that the rookies see, and every day is different in HR. HR is a slam dunk. You'll get to guide others in their careers and work with individuals of all backgrounds. And that means you can make a difference. HR is a win in overtime. All Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management students enjoy free membership to the Forbes School of Business and Technology ® Society of Human Resource Management chapter. SHRM is the world's largest association committed to human resource management. Join a network of alumni, faculty, and current students from all degree programs. The BAHRM degree program is aligned with curriculum guidelines established by SHRM. The UAGC Forbes School of Business and Technology® BAHRM is recognized by SHRM as a recertification provider to offer SHRM CP or SHRM SCP professional development credits, which are PDCs, as well as ATD as recertification provider for development. And the champion is the Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management program. This program would undoubtedly make an impact. By sharing our passion, we get a front row seat to the journey and growth of people that we work with, and we can go from frustrated to productive and appreciated. This is empowerment at its finest. Go HR.”

You’ve heard from the experts. Now it’s time to decide. Did Bill Davis convince you that operations management and analysis is where it’s at, or did Leah Westerman’s argument for human resources seal the deal? Who said it best? Cast your vote!

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Game 5: Social and Criminal Justice vs. Human Services

criminal justice vs human services

Our next bracket features two unique College of Arts and Sciences majors, and our industry thought leaders are here to convince you theirs is the best. First, we have Dr. Shari Schwartz who makes a humorous and convincing theatrical argument for social and criminal justice. Then, Lisa Smith delivers a heartfelt message about the importance and value of human services. Watch their pitches, then cast your vote.

Social and Criminal Justice

Successful completion of this program by itself may not qualify a student for employment with a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency.

Dr. Shari Schwartz: “Hi everyone. I'm Dr. Shari Schwartz here to talk to you about the University of Arizona Global Campus’s fully online Criminal Justice programs. We have two programs, a Bachelor of Arts in Social and Criminal Justice and a Master of Science program in criminal justice. And I'm here to ask you to vote for the criminal justice major in the 2022 Major Matchup competition. Excuse me, one moment. Hi, you look lost. Can I help? Boring! This is how you're trying to get people to vote for your programs. No, no. People want to hear about the factors that might lead someone to commit crimes that land them in places like this. And in the UAGC criminal justice programs, you will take multiple courses that directly address the intersection of psychology and criminal behavior. I would love to hang out and talk to you guys more, but I see someone coming that I really don't want to run into. So, I've got to run. Vote for criminal justice! I'll catch up with her in a moment. First, I want to share with you that UAGC’s criminal justice programs address head on the controversies and challenges inherent in policing and community relations across multiple courses and take into account all perspectives. Courses are led by faculty practitioners, meaning that your faculty are people who work in the criminal justice system, or who have worked in the criminal justice system in various roles, including as law enforcement officers, lawyers, forensic psychologists and more. Where is my client? Well, let me tell you, while we're waiting for my client that at UAGC’s criminal justice programs, you will take various courses in the rules, the laws, the ethics, and the overall philosophy of the criminal justice system, as well as learn about really important legal decisions that have shaped the way the American system of justice works. Well, it looks like the judges about to take the bench. And that means my client’s in big trouble, because she's not here, but I will leave you with my closing argument, which is ‘vote for criminal justice for major of the year.’ Hi, everyone. You now have all of the pertinent facts about the University of Arizona Global Campus’s criminal justice programs. Of course, this is a biased court, and we are asking for your vote. Thank you so much for watching and for having fun with us. And we look forward to seeing you in the classroom. Court is adjourned!”

Human Services


Dr. Lisa Smith: “Looking for a program to align with? Let me tell you why the human services programs are so special. First, we offer a bachelor's, a master’s, and a PhD. In addition, we train you for the expertise and skills to be a leader in your community. One important thing you should know is that we are the heartbeat of every community. We are the local, and the state, and the national. We help everyone. If you wish to be a leader in a social justice program such as Black Lives Matter, Me Too, immigrant programs like DACA. We need leaders like you to help fix that problem. In addition, we have juvenile justice issues, where we have school to prison pipeline problems. We are the after-school programs. We are the programs that help kids in foster care. We are the programs that help their family members who had substance abuse issues. You need an advocate for you to domestic violence case? We help you in those careers. We teach you about nonprofit organizations and their finances, and we help you with great writing, and the courses that teach you the skills you need for advocacy. You see, we do it all. Can any other program say that? We also cover vulnerable populations. You'll learn a lot about these populations and some of the best practices to help them. We are one of those special programs that do a lot for our community. And not only do we do a lot for our community, your take-home after you finish serving these populations is the reward knowing that you did something great for someone and helped them better their lives. I'm Dr. Lisa Smith. Vote human services. Take good care.” So, who is it going to be? Did Dr. Shari Schwartz and her wardrobe change give the best pitch for social and criminal justice? Or did Dr. Lisa Smith drive it home with her passionate overview of human services? Let us know with your vote! PollMaker


Game 6: Business Administration vs. Accounting

business administration vs accounting

In this round, two Forbes School of Business and Technology® faves, business administration and accounting*, go head-to-head. First, Dr. Charlie Minnick shares strong words on why business administration is the major to win the top prize. Then, Brandy Havens returns this year to once again make the case for accounting. Who said it best? Watch the videos, and then cast your vote for the most convincing argument below.

Business Administration


Dr. Charlie Minnick: “Greetings from the UAGC Forbes School of Business and Technology® business administration programs. It’s that time of the year again, March Madness. Spring is in the air. Excitement is in the air as we look to crown the next national champion. So, while we're on the topic of champions, the UAGC Forbes School of Business and Technology® bachelor's and master's degree business administration programs are the programs of champions. You might ask, ‘Dr. Minnick, what makes you think the business administration programs are the programs of champions?’ Well, I'm glad you asked. Couple reasons. First is that student success is good business. The true MVPs of our business administration programs are our students. They are the stars of the program. The passion and energy that they bring to the classroom on a daily basis makes a classroom alive and full of energy. And that energy is contagious. Second is that we have the best supporting cast in the tournament, the supporting cast being the business administration faculty and staff. Everything we do on a daily basis revolves around supporting the true MVPs, our students. We'd love seeing them bring home the championship trophy, that championship trophy being the UAGC business administration diploma. So, there you have it. The programs of champions. Cast your vote for the programs that mean business: your UAGC business administration programs. Go team!” 


Successful completion of this program by itself does not qualify a student to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. All prospective students should contact individual state boards of accounting for additional information relating to licensure requirements (e.g., education and work experience and any potential restrictions, such as prior criminal convictions) prior to enrolling.

Brandy Havens: “Many years ago, people dared to think that accountants were boring. We've been called hurtful names like bean counters, pencil pushers, and even penny pinchers. However, in 2016, one man would change our image forever, showing the world just how cool accountants can be. His name is Christian Wolff. And he is the accountant. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, which, as it turns out, is a general principle in financial accounting, I have to tell you, Christian Wolff's lifestyle is not reflective of the average accountant. Shocking, I know. But I always like to say that life is what you make of it. So, let's take a quick moment to compare Christian Wolff’s lifestyle in the movie account with that of the average accountant to determine what you might expect to experience in the field of accounting. So, for starters, can you expect automatic weapons and hand-to-hand combat your new accounting position? Very unlikely. As accountants are generally nonviolent people, leave your weapons at home. But you know what you can bring to work? A really cool bag or briefcase. You could use it to carry your laptop, tablet, calculator, or even some brightly colored highlighters, if you're like me and like to think outside the box. So how about the day-to-day? Will there be intense days of analytics and critical thinking? Almost guaranteed. Now, you may not get to write your numbers on a cool glass wall, or maybe you will. I can't be sure, but you'll most certainly be expected to look at numbers critically and figure out what they mean, what's behind them, and what it means for the company. Now, I can almost anticipate your next question. Will there be spreadsheets? Yeah, you betcha. You can take it to the bank that you too, just like Christian Wolff, will get to play it with spreadsheets, sometimes all day. Ooh, look at that nice desk with the nameplate. Very professional. My friends. I think that's a very realistic goal. Now, be warned. You may not get this right out of the gate as a first-year staffer. However, there could definitely be an office with the name plate in your future. For those who crave excitement, picture yourself sitting awake at night, your mind racing about, you guessed it, accounting stuff. That big merger or acquisition that's being considered. Is the company really worth that much? Whether the net present value of that capital investment was unrealistic due to an overly aggressive discount rate. If management should consider buying a treasury stock because you think the market’s down, the stock is undervalued, and the shareholders will love that boost in earnings per share. From time to time, yes, even excitement and anticipation or possible in accounting. In all seriousness, there are tons of job opportunities in accounting. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a seven percent growth in the field over the next ten years. So, it's a solid career path. And if you enjoy critical thinking and analytics, then a career in accounting may be perfect for you.”

Did Dr. Charlie Minnick and business administration beat out Brandy Havens and accounting? Cast your vote, and help one of these instructors move on to the next round!

Poll Creator


Game 7: Special Education vs. Liberal Arts 

special education versus liberal arts

In this bracket, two final College of Arts and Sciences majors battle it out, with special education and liberal arts going up against each other to see who can progress to the next round of voting. In one corner, we have Dr. Jessi Harkins Upshaw with a pitch for special education. In the other corner, Kimberly Luke makes the case for liberal arts. Which argument is more convincing? You decide. Watch the arguments below and then determine their fate with your vote!

Special Education

An online degree from the University of Arizona Global Campus does not lead to immediate teacher licensure in any state.

Dr. Jessi Harkins Upshaw: It's time for the UAGC 2022 Major Matchup. And we here in the field of special education say, ‘game on.’ My name is Dr. Jessi Upshaw, and I am proud to lead the students and faculty studying special education here in the Master of Arts in Special Education ( MASE) program at UAGC. Our mission is to educate, empower, and integrate innovation, accessibility, and integrity for professionals that impact diverse learners in their communities. Why should you vote for the special education and MASE program in this year's matchup? Let me pass this off. Let's look at the elite eight reasons to lift up students entering the field of special education. No. 1. Our students specialize in supporting diverse learning needs. No. 2. They focus on creating inclusive environments. No. 3. They have an exponential impact on diverse learners who continue to have an impact in their communities. No. 4. Students with special education build on evidence-based practice models to learn, grow, and take action. Time for the final four. No. 5. Professionals and special education focus on goal setting and scaffolded support. No. 6. The helping field of special education blends brain and behavior sciences with educational models to meet students where they are, and support where they want to be. No. 7. Digging into professional, ethical, and conceptual principles of special education helps to advance our students’ personal and career goals to impact learners of all abilities at diverse ages and levels of learning. And No. 8. Our team supports UAGC student groups and organizations to connect and advocate for all individuals identifying with neurodiversity, exceptionalities, and differences in ability. We encourage you to support students studying special education in the 2022 Major Matchup.” 

Liberal Arts

Kimberly Luke: “Welcome. My name is Kimberly Luke, and I represent the liberal arts faculty. The world is a huge, wonderful, complex place. How do you understand it? Where do you fit into it? What actions can you take to make it better? The liberal arts faculty at UAGC strives to give students the tools they need to better understand and act on the world. You will explore history, philosophy, and English so that you can understand the past, predict the future, and act as an informed citizen. Employers appreciate liberal arts majors because they are able to think critically, communicate effectively, and solve problems creatively. They can analyze the situation, determine its origin, and see the historical context. We have to make tough decisions about war, economics, ecological decline, and cultural debates. Liberal arts provide students with knowledge to be thoughtful leaders and informed global citizens. The following video by renowned director, Stephanie Fink will reveal the qualities you will need to succeed as a liberal arts warrior.” 

Which of these two majors should win this round? Vote now!


Game 8: Business Leadership vs. Cyber & Data Security Technology

Business Leadership vs. Cyber & Data Security Technology

Last but not least, in our final bracket of this 2022 Major Matchup Round 1, we hear from Dr. Misty Resendez, who represents business leadership, and Dr. Pete Limon, who states his case for cyber & data security technology. Which faculty makes the stronger case for their Forbes School of Business and Technology® major? Watch, then vote!

Business Leadership


Dr. Misty Resendez: “Deciding a career is so stressful. I don't know what degree program will benefit me the most and fit who I am. There's just so many options. Well, have you ever thought of taking business leadership? No. Can you tell me more about the business leadership program? There are many benefits to taking a business leadership program. When you take a business leadership program at the University of Arizona Global Campus, you will be provided the skills necessary to lead an effective team. You will learn how to motivate your employees. You'll learn about mentoring, effective communication, how to address conflict, and many, many more skills that you can put into place today in the workforce. In addition, it will also boost your pay potential. Because you have the skills necessary to be a leader, you have more opportunities, which will then advance your resume in front of others, because you'll have the skill set that is necessary to lead in any industry that you choose. I hope you decide to pursue a business leadership degree at the University of Arizona Global Campus. That sounds great. Thank you so much. Dr. Resendez!” 

Cyber Data & Security Technology


Pete Limon: “My name is Dr. Limon, and I am the lead faculty at University of Arizona Global Campus, cyber and data technology Program. What I want to talk to you about today is cybersecurity and cyber security tools and how to mitigate against cyber security. One of the most important things that we should be aware of is that we are vulnerable. Okay, when it comes to cybersecurity, and you're connecting to the internet, any time you connect to the internet, you have a chance of being hacked. Okay. So, what does this mean? Well, it means that they can steal your personal, identifiable information. They can get ahold of credit card information. It’s a little bit tougher to get banking information just because the bank has digital certificates. And, so it's a little bit more difficult. They have more security, right? But everything can be hacked. Just so you know that. So, we know that there's a problem with cyber criminals. And what we want to do here at UAGC is, in our program, we want to make sure that you not only learn all the tools to mitigate against these cyberattacks, but you're going to learn the concepts of ‘what is a cyberattack.’ What is a man in the middle? Okay, what is a botnet attack? What is the difference between a worm? What is the difference between a worm and a virus? How do they both infect your system? And most of all, how do you mitigate against these? How do you, how what type of software is there out there to help us fight against these cyber criminals? So, I want you to take a dive into the dark side and fight against this cybercrime. I have devoted my life to fighting cybercrime, and I want you to join me as well. My name is Dr. Limon. And if you want to know a little bit more about our cyber and data security program here at UAGC, please contact me at [email protected], and I will gladly get back with you and explain to you our programs, offerings, and how you can benefit from the program. Thank you.”

So, who’s it going to be? Which of these business degree gurus has your vote to progress the Round 2? Cast your vote now!



It’s Time to Vote in the UAGC Major Matchup

Well, there you have it. The first eight brackets of the 2022 UAGC Major Matchup. Which faculty members presented the best pitches? Who will advance to the next round? It’s all in your hands. Remember, your vote only counts once per game. Vote wisely!

-- *Successful completion of this program by itself does not qualify a student to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. All prospective students should contact individual state boards of accounting for additional information relating to licensure requirements (e.g., education and work experience and any potential restrictions, such as prior criminal convictions) prior to enrolling. A list of state accounting boards is available here: Students seeking licensure or certification in a particular profession should carefully research the requirements prior to enrollment. Requirements vary by state. Prospective students also should regularly review the state’s policies and procedures relating to licensure as those policies are subject to change. The University of Arizona Global Campus does not guarantee that any professional organization will accept a graduate’s application to sit for any exam for the purpose of professional certification and graduates may have to complete additional coursework to be eligible to sit for certain professional certification exams.

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