Shari Schwartz Profile Picture

Shari Schwartz, PhD

College of Arts and Sciences
Social & Behavioral Science
"The exchange of ideas enlightens and enriches those who listen to and participate in the dialogue."


  • PhD, Psychology

    Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States, 2012

  • MS, Psychology

    Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States, 2010



Dr. Shari Schwartz is an Associate Faculty member for the Bachelor of Arts in Social and Criminal Justice and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice programs at the University of Arizona Global Campus. She earned a Doctorate in Legal Psychology from Florida International University, a Master of Science in Psychology from Florida International University, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Central Florida. Dr. Schwartz has worked as a death penalty mitigation psychologist, victim outreach specialist, jury consultant, and is a frequently invited guest lecturer at trainings and conferences worldwide on issues pertaining to the criminal justice system. She teaches a variety of online criminal justice courses at UAGC and believes that students who may not normally speak up in a traditional classroom setting have the opportunity to participate more with web-based learning. She encourages prospective and current students to never let anyone else define the limits of their success. In fact, she pursued her own terminal degree after a professor once told her she was too old to do so. She says, “My favorite thing about teaching is sharing my knowledge but also having the students share their knowledge and insight with me. The exchange of ideas enlightens and enriches those who listen to and participate in the dialogue. I believe I share the responsibility with my students for ensuring they have a positive learning experience.” Dr. Schwartz lives in South Beach Miami, FL.

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