What is a Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate?

A main goal of this program is to give students access to live classroom experiences that help translate and bridge course theory into practice. A secondary goal of this program is to highlight alignment of Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) assessments and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards into the course discussion to engage students in the type of intellectual conversations that will enable them to hit the ground running and be productive and contributing educators in the field.

Accelerated 5 week courses
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Certificate Completion Journey

Learn tested and proven approaches in education and gain valuable classroom experience in your post-baccalaureate certificate program. Your courses will cover topics like behavior management, reading and writing strategies, as well as assessing and serving the diverse needs of students and families. Complete the certificate journey by focusing your coursework on your desired career path in either elementary or secondary education.


Program Specific Requirements

Core Requirements (12 Credits)
  • This course provides a sufficiently broad yet detailed exposure to the realities of teaching English language learners. The course is designed to prepare students to deliver content area instruction to English language learners with diverse abilities using the sheltered instruction approach. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • Students will learn research-based strategies and best practices for developing effective instructional programs and managing safe, supportive, learning environments in elementary and secondary classrooms. The course will introduce participants to practical, field-tested approaches through required school observation related to classroom discipline, behavior management, and strategies for classroom teachers, with methods that apply to a wide range of classrooms, including low-income and multicultural environments.

  • This course prepares students to work collaboratively with families and school personnel to have a positive impact on the educational, social and behavioral development of all students, including those with a full range of disabilities, in a diverse society. The course focuses on knowledge of legislative mandates for serving exceptional students, characteristics of exceptionality, best practice in facilitating teaching and learning, and accountability through assessment of outcomes. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.
  • This course is designed to familiarize students with current state and local classroom assessment data. Students will learn how to select appropriate reading and math assessment instruments, observe and record data, analyze test scores and performance, interpret data, and outline accommodations and plans for remediation. Students will practice making educational decisions based upon data provided by local and/or state assessments and communicate assessment results. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

Certificate-Level Requirements

Elementary Education (15 credits)
  • Designed to provide teacher candidates with models of instruction consistent with basic principles and new trends of instruction and curriculum development in teaching elementary school social sciences. This course implements current understanding of learning strategies, and opportunities to develop related process skills, use of technology in the teaching and learning of social science, and skills in implementing instructional models. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This course focuses on the development of science teaching competencies, basic principles and new trends of instruction and curriculum development in elementary school science. The course content is designed to help students develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions to implement inquiry-based, developmentally appropriate science lessons. Unit planning, laboratory activities, evaluation strategies and science learning centers are emphasized. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This is a comprehensive course designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance reading comprehension and literacy across various content areas in elementary education. Utilizing the latest research in the science of reading, this course focuses on evidence-based instructional strategies that integrate reading methods to support diverse learners. Participants will explore the foundational principles of reading development, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The course emphasizes practical applications of these principles, providing educators with tools to design and implement effective reading instruction that meets the needs of all students.

  • This is the first course of a three part practice teaching and seminar series designed to prepare students to teach in elementary schools. At a qualified school site under the supervision of a mentor teacher and university supervisor, students will develop an understanding of instructional planning and delivery to make content comprehensible, assess learning, support the needs of diverse learners, maintain a safe learning environment and incorporate reflective practices for their own professional development. This course contains a synchronous component each week. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This is the second course of a three part practice teaching and seminar series designed to prepare students to teach in elementary schools. At a qualified school site under the supervision of a mentor teacher and university supervisor, students will develop an understanding of instructional planning and delivery to make content comprehensible, assess learning, support the needs of diverse learners, maintain a safe learning environment and incorporate reflective practices for their own professional development. This course contains a synchronous component each week. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.


Certificate-Level Requirements

Secondary Education (12 credits)
  • This course will learn, practice and reflect on the specific pedagogical knowledge needed to teach English to secondary students. Students will explore a variety of teaching strategies for organizing a secondary English curriculum using the Common Core Standards. Teacher candidates will discuss, plan, implement and assess appropriate instruction using current best practices for the effective teaching of English in secondary classes. The course addresses various curricular areas of English arts, including the teaching of writing, reading comprehension and literature, language applications, grammar, speaking applications and visual media and how they can be effectively integrated into daily lesson planning while meeting Common Core Standards. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This course is intended to prepare students to be effective History-Social Science teachers in secondary classrooms and is designed to develop the capacities models of instruction consistent with basic principles and new trends of instruction and curriculum development in teaching secondary school social sciences. Emphasis is placed on curriculum, materials, and instructional methods and strategies specific to teaching social sciences to diverse student populations. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This course focuses on the development of teaching competencies, basic principles and new trends of instruction and curriculum development in secondary school Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM). The course content is designed to help students develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions to implement inquiry-based, developmentally appropriate STEM lessons. Unit planning, laboratory activities, evaluation strategies and math and science learning centers are emphasized. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This course is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance reading comprehension and literacy across various content areas in secondary education. Grounded in the science of reading, this course offers a comprehensive approach to integrating effective reading strategies into subjects such as science, mathematics, social studies, and literature. Participants will learn how to foster critical reading skills that are essential for academic success in secondary students.

  • This is the first course of a three part practice teaching and seminar series designed to prepare students to teach in secondary schools. At a qualified school site under the supervision of a mentor teacher and university supervisor, students will develop an understanding of instructional planning and delivery to make content comprehensible, assess learning, support the needs of diverse learners, maintain a safe learning environment and incorporate reflective practices for their own professional development. This course contains a synchronous component each week. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

  • This is the second course of a three part practice teaching and seminar series designed to prepare students to teach in secondary schools. At a qualified school site under the supervision of a mentor teacher and university supervisor, students will develop an understanding of instructional planning and delivery to make content comprehensible, assess learning, support the needs of diverse learners, maintain a safe learning environment and incorporate reflective practices for their own professional development. This course contains a synchronous component each week. This course is only available for students enrolled in the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate.

Program Requirements

Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate, students must:

  • Complete all required coursework (27 credits for Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate - Elementary Education or 24 credits for the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate - Secondary Education).
  • Pass the Subject Area Examination, General Knowledge Test and Professional Education Test.
  • Complete all Student Teaching requirements.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 in all coursework attempted at the University.

The program of study will be noted on the transcript as a Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate – Elementary Education or as a Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate – Secondary Education.

Note: The date of conferral recorded on the student’s transcript will reflect the date the student completes all academic certificate requirements. However, verifications for certificate completion are contingent upon payment of any outstanding balances with the University.

Admissions Requirements

The Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate program is currently open to Florida residents only. It is not eligible for Title IV, VA or Tuition Assistance funding. Applicants seeking admission to any Post Baccalaureate program are required to meet the following requirements prior to enrollment:

  • Have a Bachelor's or graduate-level degree from an approved accredited college or university with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale in the content courses applicable to the certificate being sought.
  • Submit the Statement of Eligibility (SOE) from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE).
  • Provide a two- to three-page professionally formatted letter of intent which explains why they aspire to enter the teaching profession and which includes their philosophy of education.
  • Demonstrate a “good fit” disposition toward the teaching profession by earning a passing score on the Candidate Disposition Self-Assessment (Attachment 01), which measures the following: 

    1. Professional and Ethical Conduct
    2. Communication and Collaboration
    3. Individual and Cultural Sensitivity
    4. Work Habits and Emotional Management
    5. Self-Reflection and Professional Development
    6. Effective Learning Environment
    • Submit to and pass a Criminal Background Check.
    1. Candidates who have criminal history will meet with the certificate analyst to determine whether they have committed a disqualifying offense.
    2. Candidates may be referred to the Office of Professional Practices for a more detailed review and determination.
    • Sign an agreement that expresses the understanding of the guidelines and demands for the required field experience hours.
    • Have the ability to study in English indicated by one of the following:
    1. Earned a Bachelor’s degree in which the primary language of instruction was English; or,
    2. Successfully completed one of the following testing options within the approved timeframe as noted below as applicable. Copies of unofficial scores must be submitted prior to conditional admissions, and official scores must be submitted for full admission:
      • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 550 paper-based or 79 Internet-based is required and the test must have been taken within the last two (2) years.
      • International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A minimum score of 7 is required and the test must have been taken within the last three (3) years.
      • Pearson. A minimum score of 60 is required.
    • Have access to a computer with an Internet connection for the Web-based programs and meet the minimum technology and minimum computer skills, abilities, features, system configurations, hardware, and software outlined in the Catalog;

    Additional requirements for students seeking admission based on credentials earned outside of the United States are outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Academic Catalog at https://www.uagc.edu/catalog

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Licensure and Certification Terms and Conditions

The Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate program is a Florida state-approved educator preparation institute (EPI) program designed to meet the state educational requirements for teacher licensure in the state of Florida. Students who successfully complete all Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate requirements, are US citizens, and pass all three portions of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) will qualify for a Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate. Students can earn the Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate in one of forty-two subject areas (valid for five (5) years) and a Florida Reading Endorsement Certificate. The University of Arizona Global Campus Department of Education Studies (DES) team can work with students to complete and submit all necessary forms to the Florida Bureau of Educator Certification. The Florida Department of Education’s process is to notify program completers to submit fingerprints for background clearance. Following clearance, the Florida Department of Education awards program completers the Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate in the subject area for which it was earned and send a hard copy of that certificate to the program completers as proof that professional teaching credentials have been obtained. The University of Arizona Global Campus does not grant the teaching credential.

This program is not designed to meet the state educational requirements for teacher licensure in any state other than Florida. For additional information regarding professional licensure, please visit https://www.uagc.edu/disclosures/state-authorization/professional-licensure.

Reciprocity: Program completers who earn Florida Professional Educator’s Certification and are interested in reciprocity are responsible for completing the reciprocity licensure process.

Program completers must research reciprocity requirements according to the NASDTEC interstate agreements. The UAGC Department of Education Studies (DES) can assist in providing information on the necessary paperwork required by the receiving jurisdiction to assist program completers in obtaining reciprocity to their home state. Program completers must know that certificate completion alone will not lead to immediate teacher licensure.

The table below provides the university’s determination regarding whether the Post Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate program will meet professional teacher licensure requirements in each of the states.

StateProfessional State AgencyDetermination
AlabamaAlabama Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
AlaskaAlaska Department of Education and Early DevelopmentDoes Not Meet
American SamoaAmerican Samoa Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
ArizonaArizona Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
ArkansasArkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary EducationDoes Not Meet
CaliforniaCalifornia Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
ColoradoColorado Department of Education - Licensing OfficeDoes Not Meet
ConnecticutConnecticut Department of Education Bureau of CertificationDoes Not Meet
DelawareDelaware Department of Education Licensure and Certification OfficeDoes Not Meet
District of ColumbiaOffice of the State Superintendent of EducationDoes Not Meet
FloridaFlorida Department of EducationMeets
GeorgiaGeorgia Professional Standards CommissionDoes Not Meet
GuamGuam Commission for Educator CertificationDoes Not Meet
HawaiiHawaii State Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
IdahoIdaho State Department of Education Certification DepartmentDoes Not Meet
IllinoisIllinois State Board of EducationDoes Not Meet
IndianaIndiana Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
IowaIowa Board of Educational ExaminersDoes Not Meet
KansasKansas State Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
KentuckyKentucky Department of Education - Office of Educator Licensure and EffectivenessDoes Not Meet
LouisianaLouisiana Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
MaineMaine Department of Education Certification and CredentialingDoes Not Meet
MarylandMaryland State Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
MassachusettsMassachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Educator LicensureDoes Not Meet
MichiganMichigan Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
MinnesotaMinnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards BoardDoes Not Meet
MississippiMississippi Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
MissouriMissouri Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationDoes Not Meet
MontanaMontana Office of Public InstitutionDoes Not Meet
NebraskaNebraska Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
NevadaState of Nevada Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
New HampshireNew Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of CredentialingDoes Not Meet
New JerseyNew Jersey Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
New MexicoNew Mexico Public Education Department Licensure BureauDoes Not Meet
New YorkNew York State Education DepartmentDoes Not Meet
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Department of Public InstructionDoes Not Meet
North DakotaNorth Dakota Education Standards and Practices BoardDoes Not Meet
Northern Mariana IslandsCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School SystemDoes Not Meet
OhioOhio Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
OklahomaOklahoma State Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
OregonOregon Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
Rhode IslandState of Rhode Island Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
South DakotaSouth Dakota Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
TennesseeTennessee Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
TexasTexas Education AgencyDoes Not Meet
U.S. Virgin IslandsVirgin Islands Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
UtahUtah State Board of EducationDoes Not Meet
VermontState of Vermont Agency of EducationDoes Not Meet
VirginiaVirginia Department of EducationDoes Not Meet
WashingtonWashington Office of Superintendent of Public InstructionDoes Not Meet
West VirginiaWest Virginia Department of Education Office of CertificationDoes Not Meet
WisconsinWisconsin Department of Public InstructionDoes Not Meet
WyomingWyoming Professional Teaching Standards BoardDoes Not Meet

For additional information regarding professional licensure, please visit https://www.uagc.edu/disclosures/state-authorization/professional-licensure.

Quality Matters Certification

The Online Teaching Support Certification recognizes programs that require all online faculty to undergo training in best practices for online course delivery, provide faculty with ongoing pedagogical support, encourage faculty professional development to increase their knowledge and skill in online teaching, emphasize instructor availability and feedback to learners, and collect and use feedback from learners to improve online teaching. Learn More

The Online Learner Support Certification recognizes programs that provide all the critical student and academic services needed for learner success and use learner feedback to continuously improve those services.


Your teaching career is within reach when you complete your Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate. Whether you are seeking a career in elementary or secondary education, you may choose to pursue one of the following career paths upon completion of your program:


Elementary Education


  • Classroom Teacher
  • Educator
  • Elementary Education Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Teacher


Secondary Education


  • Middle School Teacher
  • High School Teacher
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We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.