About the Board
The purpose of the University of Arizona Global Campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to ensure ethical research practices among its faculty and students. Individuals affiliated with the University of Arizona Global Campus who are conducting research projects must receive approval from the IRB before commencing the study. IRB policies and procedures apply to all research involving human participants, funded or non-funded, sponsored or not sponsored, and carried out by the University of Arizona Global Campus faculty, staff, and students, on or off campus, whenever human participants are included. The University of Arizona Global Campus’s Institutional Review Board is registered with the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) though the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (IRB00010175). This registration is listed on the OHRP website at https://ohrp.cit.nih.gov/search/search.aspx.
Statement of Ethical Principles
The University of Arizona Global Campus is committed to the highest ethical standards in conduct of research. For projects involving humans as participants, the University of Arizona Global Campus is guided by the ethical principles set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Participants of Biomedical and Behavioral Research’s Ethical Principles, and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Participants of Research: The Belmont Report. In addition, the University of Arizona Global Campus is committed to ensuring that all human participant research, regardless of funding source, follows the requirements set forth in Title 45, Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The following broad principles are the basis for the University of Arizona Global Campus policy concerning review of research involving humans:
- Whereas the participation of humans in research projects may raise fundamental ethical and civil rights questions, all such research, funded and unfunded projects, sponsored and not sponsored, which is carried out by the University of Arizona Global Campus students, faculty, or other University of Arizona Global Campus employees, on or off campus, shall be covered by the University of Arizona Global Campus Institutional Review Board (hereinafter referred to as IRB) for the Protection of Human Participants in Research Policies and Procedures covered by this document.
- All activities involving human participants must provide for the rights, safety, health, and welfare of each individual participant.
- The direct or potential benefit to the participant and the importance of the knowledge gained must outweigh any inherent risk to the individual.
- Participation in research must be voluntary and informed consent procedures must conform to the IRB Policies and Procedures.
- An individual does not abdicate any rights by consenting to be a research participant. A participant has the right to refuse to participate or may withdraw from research at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant would otherwise be entitled.
- Safeguarding information about an individual that has been obtained in the course of an investigation is a primary obligation of the principal investigator.
- The primary responsibility for protection of human participants rests with the principal investigator and with support, approval, and monitoring by the University of Arizona Global Campus as set forth in the IRB Policies and Procedures.
All proposals to conduct research must be submitted to the IRB through the application process. The investigator must obtain IRB approval before undertaking the research and beginning data collection. All principal investigators submitting proposals must show certification of training within the last three years, or undergo training, and submit the appropriate documentation of successful human subjects training either offered by National Institutes of Health (NIH) or Collaborative Institutional Collaborative Initiative (CITI) training along with each proposal. Proposals should be submitted electronically in .doc or .docx format to [email protected]. Please review the Forms tab for additional guidance. Any concerns regarding research involving human subjects should be directed to the IRB Chair. For more information on research misconduct please visit responding to allegations of research misconduct.