Becoming a better writer can help you succeed as a University of Arizona Global Campus* student while giving you needed skills to advance in your career. Access resources to help you improve your writing talents, devise helpful strategies to fulfill any writing assignment, and become a more effective communicator with the Writing Center. Take advantage of writing support through paper review or through 24/7 online chat. These services may be accessed directly through your classroom in the Writing Center tab.
Your Writing Support Services
Access your free premium Grammarly account to get help with proofreading for grammar and punctuation errors. You’ll receive instant feedback about how to correct errors.
24/7 Live Writing Tutoring
If you have a question about writing or APA style, connect with a writing tutor by clicking on the Writing Center tab from your class. Tutors are available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Paper Review
Submitting a written assignment for review is easier than ever! The paper review link is located within the convenience of your classroom in the Writing Center tab. Simply choose “Submit a Paper” and upload your assignment. Within 12 hours, you will receive feedback on your writing!
Your Writing Center Resources
In addition to the services listed above, you also have access to resources that are available whenever you need them and will help you to improve your writing.
Writing & APA Guides and Sample Papers
Search the website for many writing and APA guides and tip sheets to help you through any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and developing your topic, to outlining and creating a strong thesis statement, to drafting and editing. We also provide examples of various types of writing so you can better understand how to write for different purposes and audiences.
Explore the Writing Center’s library of quick, fun, and informative video tutorials that can be watched at any time. Learn how to format in-text citations, synthesize research, or the steps to writing a great discussion board post.
* Ashford University is now the University of Arizona Global Campus