What is a Master of Arts in Organizational Management?

Earn your Master of Arts in Organizational Management online from the Forbes School of Business and Technology® at the University of Arizona Global Campus. A master’s in organizational management online degree empowers you to become an effective leader with global vision and awareness and gives you the insight to enact effective organizational management. Useful for nearly any field, this degree’s coursework covers planning, time management, resource coordination, and scheduling, among others. These vital skills can be applied universally in nearly any industry, whether it’s human resources, sales, retail, or others.

Accelerated 6-week courses
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1 course at a time
$0 Application Fee

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Degree Completion Journey

An organizational management degree offers you courses in organizational change, marketing, decision-making, strategic thinking, and innovation that will cultivate the landscape for building an organizational culture that embraces quality and diversity.


Year 1

  • This course is designed to introduce the student to Graduate Business programs, with emphases upon conceptualizing communication and communication processes in the context of organizations, management and career. Emphasis will be on technology, theories and models, qualitative communication research and presentations.

  • This course serves to advance the knowledge of the functions of management, the underlying theories and literature associated with the management discipline, and build students’ understanding of the relationships across organizational and business functions. Students grapple with current management problems and emerging solutions applied in the context of the organization.

  • This course investigates behavioral factors that affect modern organizations and their management. Topics include group and team dynamics, organizational structure, motivation, leadership, power, and change management.

  • This course involves the study of business law, its foundations, and the role it plays in managing a business, with a particular emphasis on the corporate form. Topics of relevance to be explored include the following core concepts: constitutional law, case law, government regulation, ethics, contracts, anti-trust law, securities regulations, employment law, environmental law, and crimes and torts.

  • This course explores practical ways to develop organizational communication plans that integrate marketing, advertising and public relations strategies. Emphasis is given to the dynamic process of managerial decision-making required to implement an integrated communication plan effectively in order to achieve organizational goals. 

  • This course is a study on managing people in the workplace, focusing on the important policies and processes associated with recruiting, hiring, training and evaluating personnel in order to achieve strategic organizational goals. 

  • The course is designed to allow non-financial managers and staff to better understand financial decision-making, budgeting, project/capital spending approval, and the importance of financial planning and control. Topics include how financial decisions are made and the roles and responsibilities of finance and non-finance managers, financial tools and metrics, and basic financial statements.

  • This course analyzes organizational, professional and personal ethics and creates a framework for exploring the social responsibilities of managers and organizational leaders. Various methodologies will be used to explore ways to encourage ethical development and moral behavior within organizational culture and to resolve business ethical issues and dilemmas. 


Year 2

  • This course blends theories of leadership with concepts and models of organizational change. The change process consists of a series of steps that focuses on vision, implementation, change agents, and other internal and external components. The course provides insight into types of changes that impact organizations and possible strategies to effectively address those changes.

  • This course analyzes the creation and utilization of effective teams and approaches to motivate and maintain productive teamwork. The course will explore common obstacles that can negatively impact team performance and examines approaches to counteract the forces that negatively impact team effectiveness. Additionally, this course will investigate special considerations that leaders will need to examine to foster productive teamwork in a socially conscious, technologically adept, and global marketplace. This course is not available for NDS and should be taken last in the program.

  • The International Business (Virtual Experience) course is designed to offer students opportunities for analyzing information and strategies for conducting business in the international marketplace. The course will allow students to examine international business practice and their impact on the global market via business process analysis such as PESTLE, SOAR, and SWOT. In addition, the course will expand on students’ knowledge of international business strategies and procedures, global corporate social responsibility and current international norms. The course will also demonstrate the impact of financial risks and currency fluctuation on foreign investment. Lastly, this course will give students the opportunity to examine various cultures through interactive activities. Prerequisite: As this course is an elective option for the student, elective courses must be completed after all other major courses and prior to the capstone course.

Program Requirements

To be awarded the Master of Arts in Organizational Management degree, all students must complete 33 semester credit hours with a 3.0 minimum grade point average.

Licensure and Certification Terms and Conditions

This program is not designed to meet the state educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification in any state. Students seeking licensure or certification in a particular profession shall carefully research the requirements prior to enrollment and regularly review the requirements as they are subject to change. Requirements vary by state. The University of Arizona Global Campus does not guarantee that any professional organization will accept a graduate’s application to sit for any exam for the purpose of professional certification. Further, a criminal record may prevent an applicant from obtaining licensure, certification, or employment in their field of study.

Certain degree programs may not be available in all states.

Quality Matters Certification

The Online Teaching Support Certification recognizes programs that require all online faculty to undergo training in best practices for online course delivery, provide faculty with ongoing pedagogical support, encourage faculty professional development to increase their knowledge and skill in online teaching, emphasize instructor availability and feedback to learners, and collect and use feedback from learners to improve online teaching. Learn More

The Online Learner Support Certification recognizes programs that provide all the critical student and academic services needed for learner success and use learner feedback to continuously improve those services.

Careers in Organizational Management

You have many options when you graduate with a degree in organizational management. You may choose to enter an area of business or industry for which your in-depth knowledge of organizational management has prepared you. This degree can prepare you for a career as a leader within organizations, be able to start your own businesses, or pursue careers with local, state, or federal government. Graduate students may choose to seek a career in one of these industries or positions:


  • Business Manager
  • General Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Advertising
  • Entrepreneurial Startups
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Organizational Development Consultant
  • Public Relations
  • Training and Development Manager
Lady doing a presentation Lady doing a presentation

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This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

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We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.