There’s one undeniable trait that all successful the University of Arizona Global Campus students share: they are goal-setters. When your courses are online, you’re required to make your own schedule and set a level of expectation that you can reasonably meet while trying to balance all of the priorities in your life. That’s why you see so many smiling faces at Global Campus bi-annual commencement ceremonies. These are students who have set goals, overcome obstacles, and are now fulfilling the promise they’ve made to earn a degree.
Having spent their college lives networking among a global community of learners, it’s no surprise that when Global Campus students want to share some good news, they share it through social media. Here are four common themes you’ll see when UAGC students post about themselves and their accomplishments:
1. Getting Ready for Graduation
UAGC students – unlike those at traditional brick-and-mortar schools – are able to enroll at their own convenience, with classes always beginning on Tuesdays. This timeframe means students might finish coursework weeks or months before commencement weekend, and then it’s all about getting ready for graduation while toasting to a great GPA.
“Came home to this at the door,” Astrina Morgan writes on Instagram after receiving her cap and gown in the mail. Morgan says she hadn’t planned to attend May 2018 commencement in San Diego, but “I busted my butt for this degree.”
When students want to share some good news, they share it through social media.
A single mother, Morgan offers some advice to current and future UAGC students. “If you want something bad enough, nothing will get in your way.”
“MBA so close I can smell it,” adds U.S. Army veteran and Master of Business Administration student Eduardo Ramos. Posing in his cap and gown on Instagram, he writes, “When all life has given you is lemons, suck it up, work hard, sacrifice, and educate yourself… oh and I guess make some lemonade.”
Ramos’ advice applies to all students who have faced challenges, especially those with just a few classes left until commencement. Sometimes you need one last push to get across the finish line.
“Today I did a mental marathon and got most of my assignments completed,” writes @trinirudegul. “I can't believe that I am almost done with school. 14 more weeks left and I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education.”
2. One Success at a Time
Psychology student Tiffany Swan is approaching her degree program via the old adage, “Eat the elephant one bite at a time.” After earning a 97 percent in her latest class, she posts, “Passed my class!” with the hashtag #onemoretogo.
Swan, like most students, is taking advantage of the online format that lets you take one course at a time, immersing you in a single subject without overwhelming you with additional classes.
And grades such as Swan’s are often a one-way ticket to…
3. It’s An Honor to Be Accepted
When it comes to successes, few compare to being accepted into one of prestigious honor societies. Invitations are made only to the most accomplished students, but those who have earned the right to join will say that it’s possible for any student, so long as you work for it.
“Doing great things, I hope I can keep this up,” writes Deja Chanell, who posted her letter of acceptance into Golden Key International Honour Society.
To be eligible to join Golden Key, you must be in the top 15 percent of your undergraduate class based on GPA, making Chanell’s accomplishment even more impressive.
Perhaps someday, Lawanda Fisher will join her.
Fisher celebrated her first step toward a degree by posting her acceptance letter on Instagram, adding, “I’m official!” She’s enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Behavioral Science program, and is on track to graduate in 2022.
4. A Delicate Balance
While soon-to-be graduates are posting their learned wisdom online and others are celebrating their first big college successes, many students simply enjoy updating their networks on the journey.
It’s a delicate balance, they’ll tell you. Just ask @pao_lita_laonn (a.k.a. Paola), whose humorous photo shows that she’s trying to pay attention to homework while her pup is craving attention of its own.
“Her face though. She knows I’m busy,” Paola writes in a series of hashtags.
Whether you’re just beginning your journey with the University of Arizona Global Campus or you’re a seasoned alum, show your pride on social media.
*Ashford University is now the University of Arizona Global Campus
Written by University Staff