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You’ve done the research, and now you’re ready to take the next step to join the University of Arizona Global Campus community of online learners. Thank you for choosing Global Campus. We know there are many options, and we are grateful to be a part of your journey. One thing we know for certain is that when you are a busy adult getting ready to go back to school, preparation and planning is key.

You’re likely to experience challenges during your college career, but at UAGC, we will be with you every step of the way to offer all the support you will need to achieve your goals. That support starts with your application process. We believe that process should be smooth, and with a little help and process knowledge, it can be! Here’s what you need to know about the application and enrollment process at UAGC.

Before You Get Started

1. Understand your commitment.

You are about to commit your time and financial resources to a major life goal. Having a conversation with your loved ones is crucial. Your decision impacts their lives, too. 

'A degree takes time away from them and their support can make all the difference in your ability to see it through,' says Military Enrollment Services Advisor Patrick Lai. 

Get familiar with the UAGC weekly schedule to see how you will manage your time, and ensure you are tech-ready so you’re set up for success.

Next, it’s important to understand the cost. Talking about tuition and fees may not be the most fun conversation, but working to eliminate financial surprises is important. Your education is an investment in your future. Learn more about the tuition and fees you can expect as part of your program. UAGC has cost-saving tuition rates for both active duty and military veterans, so explore your military education benefits if this applies to you.

Additionally, check with your employer to find out if they offer any tuition benefits or assistance.

2. Find the degree program that’s right for your goals.

Real talk: picking a major can be difficult. What if you start a program and don’t like it? The good news is you wouldn’t be alone. Almost one-third of first-time college students change their major at least once within three years. If you’re struggling to decide, a little bit of research can go a long way. Look at job boards and take note of the degree required for the job you hope to be able to apply for, or look at career outcomes on our website.

If you’re stuck and don’t know which major to choose, the knowledgeable enrollment service advisors at UAGC can help you hone in on the area of study that best matches your needs.

'It’s OK to be nervous and not have direction into what program you want to do,'says Senior Enrollment Services Advisor Kellie O’Rorke. UAGC enrollment advisors can guide you if you need help choosing a major.

Remember that the major you start with doesn’t necessarily have to be the major you finish with, but sticking with the major you pick first can sometimes be the quickest path to graduation. Check out our degree finder tool or watch this video for more tips for choosing the right major.

3. Take stock of your previous education.

Don’t let your previous experience go unrecognized. Before you fill out your application, round up all pertinent information, including addresses and phone numbers for any previous college or trade school experience, as well as proof of any nationally recognized tests or courses you’ve taken since high school. If you have unofficial transcripts handy, your enrollment services advisor can request an unofficial pre-evaluation of your past credits to get an estimate of how many are likely to transfer. You can even potentially earn credit for work/life experience and military service.

“We will use the service member’s military experience to see if we can translate their military training into college credits,” Lai explains.

While UAGC will request transcripts from previous colleges on your behalf, having all contact information on-hand will prove helpful in the event the registrar’s office needs your assistance in obtaining any of your transcripts.

Don’t forget about your high school or GED credentials. For a complete run-down of everything you’ll need to apply, visit our admissions page.

Filling out Your Application

4. Ready, set, go!

Are you ready to fill out your online application? You’re likely to have some questions along the way. Not to worry! Your enrollment services advisor is here to help you and answer all your questions. Your advisor can even give you a tour of the easy-to-navigate Student Portal and online classrooms so you’re all set on your first day. 

Be prepared to provide the following information on your application:

  • General contact information
  • Your high school graduation or GED completion information
  • Names, addresses, and contact information for previously attended colleges or trade schools
  • Your finance option
  • Your chosen major and the date you would like to start (it could be as soon as next week!)*

You’ll also need to e-sign a transcript request page to grant our registrar’s office permission to request your official transcripts from previous schools on your behalf. 

Tip: You will have the option to upload a photo of your driver’s license or passport, as well as your high school diploma. While including these items is optional as part of your application, it can be helpful in the event you are asked to verify your identity.

Once your application has been submitted, the UAGC admissions and matriculation team will get to work. Barring any missing or inaccurate information on your application, it could be processed and accepted, and your course schedule could be available shortly thereafter. Work with your advisor to gain access to your personal student portal and prepare to start your first course.

5. Time to apply for financial aid.

If you are planning to apply for financial aid, you’ll need to complete your financial aid documents as soon as possible. To prepare, have your most recent income tax paperwork ready. For more information, you can refer to our resources page. Before you start your first course, you should plan to have these five core financial aid documents completed:

  1. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  2. Understanding Your Financial Aid Offer Tool
  3. UAGC Institutional Financial Aid Application
  4. Entrance Loan Counseling
  5. Master Promissory Note

The time it takes to receive an award letter has many variables. While some students may receive theirs within a few weeks of submitting their documents, others may need to submit additional documents, which may cause a delay. Bottom line — be patient and work with a financial services advisor if you have questions. 

Moving Forward

6. Remember your why.

Now that your journey has begun, always remember why you want to earn your degree. Talk about it with your advising team. 

“This will come into play when the going gets tough, and helps us help you remember why you wanted your degree in the first place,” explains Lai.

From day one in your initial class to graduation day, your UAGC advising team will be there to remind you of your goals to keep you motivated through whatever obstacles you may face. We are so excited to see what you accomplish!

Contact an advisor today to help you get started.


*Availability of start dates is based on program selection.

Certain degree programs may not be available in all states.

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Are you currently a licensed RN?

This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

Are you a member of the military?

We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.