Online Tools You Can Access From Where You Are

MS Office 365
180+ Digital Textbooks
24/7 Tech Support
Student Portal

A virtual file cabinet where you can manage your college experience from enrollment to commencement. Your portal allows you to access:

  • Financial aid records and resources
  • Learning tools to help you succeed
  • Notifications and UAGC alerts
  • Track the progress of your financial aid
Student Portal

Constellation is an interactive platform designed specifically with the University of Arizona Global Campus students in mind. Available on desktop and mobile devices, Constellation stores all of your digital course materials in one place.

  • Make notes, quiz yourself, and keep up on your reading from anywhere in the world
  • Content syncs automatically, so your books and notes will always be available
  • Download books in audio format and listen on the go

Download the app



Waypoint is the link between you and your instructor. Upload your assignments and receive detailed responses that help you continually improve as an online student. Waypoint also allows you to:

  • Preview grading rubrics so you know what each assignment requires
  • Submit your paper for last-minute proofreading
  • Upload a revised version in case you forgot something
Office 365

The University of Arizona Global Campus students get free access to Microsoft Office 365 without a subscription. All of the features – Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and more – are at your disposal.


  • The University of Arizona Global Campus Mobile App allows you to use your Smartphone or Tablet device to read and respond to discussions, access grades and assignments, get instructor guidance, check degree progress, and access your financial account ledger. Please note that assignments cannot be submitted through the app.

  • From the University of Arizona Global Campus Mobile App home screen, select the Menu icon and touch "Help Center" to directly call technical support, read FAQs, or to provide feedback.

  • For additional technology questions please review this Student Technology FAQ.

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Fill out this form to talk with an advisor.

Are you currently a licensed RN?

This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

Are you a member of the military?

We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.