Meet your closest contacts within the University of Arizona Global Campus. You’ll come to rely on them as much as you will family and friends. Throughout your college journey, you’ll lean on members of your Advisor Support Team for academic and financial guidance, as well as the occasional words of encouragement.
Enrollment Services Advisor
Your Enrollment Services Advisor will be your first and primary contact when you apply to UAGC. This person will help you research your options and select the degree program that fits your goals. You’ll get help with your application and organizing important information, setting you up for success as you start your first course.
Academic Advisor
Once you start your first course, you’ll begin working with your Academic Advisor, who will be your primary point of contact from that point forward through graduation. This person will help you track your progress, navigate the online classroom and available resources, and help you adjust your schedule if necessary. UAGC Academic Advisors provide you with support and encouragement needed to overcome challenges and be successful in class. Bottom line: if you have a question and don’t know where else to turn, talk to your Academic Advisor.
Financial Services Advisor
Managing your financial aid is a critical, but not always easy, part of the college experience. Your Financial Services Advisor (FSA) will be there to take away some of your stress. This person will provide guidance on payment options and resources, help you manage your account and avoid balance issues, and counsel you on loan repayment options. You can ask your FSA anything about the financial aspect of going to school.