Office of Student Access and Wellness

The Office of Student Access and Wellness fosters equal opportunities to student success through accessible educational programs, disability-related advocacy, faculty and staff education, and an enhanced awareness of individual abilities and contributions. We are committed to an environment that respects and values diversity and encourages self-advocacy and self-determination.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended, the University of Arizona Global Campus prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability. Reasonable accommodations will be granted to students who present appropriate documentation of disability and are otherwise qualified to participate in their specific program of study.

Contact a helpful member of the University of Arizona Global Campus Student Access and Wellness staff at:

[email protected]
phone: 866.974.5700, ext. 20050


Student Request Forms:

Accommodation Request
Alternate Media Request
Disability Verification


Support for students with disabilities

Accommodations and services available to students who qualify include: 

  • Disability-related advocacy and advising
  • Course textbooks provided in electronic format
  • Course audio content and related activities provided in accessible format (captioned videos, transcripts, or live remote captioning)
  • Authorization of note taker or scribe for student coursework
  • Additional time to complete quizzes, exams and assessments
  • Additional time to complete assignments, projects and papers
  • Tutoring services
  • Community referral and liaison

If you have a disability that warrants a particular accommodation not listed above, contact [email protected] to discuss this request with our professional staff. Students are responsible for disclosing disability information and requesting accommodation, in accordance with University requirements. Students who need assistance, even on a temporary basis, are encouraged to utilize the services available through the Office of Student Access and Wellness.


What kinds of disabilities are served?

  • Permanently visually impaired (legally blind, with progressive vision loss, etc.)
  • Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Psychological or psychiatric disorders (bipolar, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), personality disorders, schizophrenia, etc.)
  • Learning disabilities
  • Acquired or traumatic brain injuries, epilepsy
  • Autism, Asperger's Syndrome
  • Mobility (including paraplegia, quadriplegia, post-polio, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy or atrophy, spina bifida, etc.)
  • Other (including cancer, diabetes, ADD / ADHD, etc.)

If you have a disability that you feel would qualify you for accommodation, or if you need assistance in determining if you may qualify, please contact [email protected].


Request accommodation based on a documented disability

If you are requesting accommodation based on a disability, please make your request in writing using the Accommodation Request form and disclose your disability in accordance with University requirements. Accommodations are authorized by Access and Wellness professional staff through an interactive process, which includes a combination of the student's account of disability or its impact, observations of the Access and Wellness professional staff member, and supporting documentation provided by the student. For more detailed information regarding documentation requirements, please refer to the the University of Arizona Global Campus Academic Catalog.

Please understand that accommodations are not retroactive and the determination of reasonable accommodation resides with our professional staff.


Documentation Requirements

The University of Arizona Global Campus requirements for documentation are based on the Best Practices published by Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)


How does the University determine what documentation is required?

The University of Arizona Global Campus will provide reasonable accommodation to students who provide appropriate documentation of a disability in order to ensure the accessibility of programs, services, and activities of the University.

Concerns or complaints regarding your accommodations or services should be directed to Rachel Orlansky, Director of the Office of Student Access and Wellness.


State and Federal Programs for Students with Disabilities


State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, states receive federal grants to operate comprehensive Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs. This state-operated program is designed to assess, plan, develop, and provide VR services to eligible individuals with disabilities, consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choices. By providing services in this way, the VR program enables individuals with disabilities to prepare for and engage in gainful employment. Vocational Rehabilitation services are funded by state government and are not affiliated with the University of Arizona Global Campus. Read the Vocational Rehabilitation Fact Sheet. Find the Vocational Rehabilitation Office in your area.


Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E)

VR&E's primary benefit program is vocational rehabilitation services for veterans who have a service-related disability. To receive services, a veteran must be found both eligible and entitled. The outcome of these services leads to suitable employment that is consistent with the veteran's aptitudes and interests, or leads to the veteran achieving independence in his or her daily living. VR&E also provides Educational and Vocational Counseling for eligible service members, veterans, and veterans' dependents. The outcome of this counseling is assistance in the selection of an educational or vocational goal and assistance in the selection of training institutions where this goal may be pursued. Read more information regarding VR&E.


Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (TTW)

The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is a federally funded avenue to employment for people with disabilities who want to join or re-enter the workforce. Millions of adults with disabilities who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are eligible for a Ticket. The Ticket can be used to access employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other support services leading to self-supporting employment. Such services are provided at no cost to the individual. The University of Arizona Global Campus is not a TTW vendor; however, students and potential students who wish to utilize TTW may gain client status with their State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (a Ticket to Work vendor) and choose to attend the University of Arizona Global Campus as part of their Vocational Rehabilitation plan. Read more information regarding TTW.


Promoting Awareness and Wellness in Students (PAWS)

The University of Arizona Global Campus is proud to show you our PAWS! Every month, our Student Affairs team brings you a Promoting Awareness and Wellness in Students to highlight different causes and cultural celebrations that reflect the values of the University. In addition to learning about causes and recognition events, you'll find opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Visit the University of Arizona Global Campus Hub now to find the newest edition and check back every month for a new feature! Feel passionate about a topic we highlight? Email [email protected] for more information.


The Hub

The University of Arizona Global Campus Hub is your one stop source of information, articles, and videos on topics including Military Support and Engagement, Career Development and Planning, Diversity & Inclusion, Body & Mind Wellbeing, and Student Success. Whether perusing for your own growth and development or searching for an article that can be shared with a family member, this hub of information can be used to support your wellbeing, academic success, career development, and to enhance your connection to our University of Arizona Global Campus community. We hope you’ll take some time to check out the University of Arizona Global Campus Hub today!


Health Information


Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Information and Updates

News of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has captured national attention and is of concern to us all. With the health and safety of members of the University community remaining of paramount importance, we want to share with you that the University of Arizona Global Campus continues to closely monitor federal agencies and public health organizations for updates and guidance.

If you are looking for information on the coronavirus or preventative steps we can each take to avoid the spread of infectious disease, we encourage you to review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public.

Recognizing that the impact of events of this kind extend beyond our immediate physical wellbeing, we also want to make you aware of some resources that will help with navigating related stress and supporting children who may be showing signs of concern:

As always, depending on the nature of your circumstances, please reach out to your Student Advisor at your earliest availability to discuss your unique academic needs. If you have concerns for your wellbeing or are in need of assistance with accessing supportive services in your area, please reach out to the Student Advocate Helpline at [email protected] to request contact from a Student Advocate.


What is the Affordable Care Act?

A comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010 (sometimes known as ACA, PPACA, or “Obamacare”).

The law has 3 primary goals:

  • Make affordable health insurance available to more people. The law provides consumers with subsidies (“premium tax credits”) that lower costs for households with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level.
  • Expand the Medicaid program to cover all adults with income below 138% of the federal poverty level. (Not all states have expanded their Medicaid programs.)
  • Support innovative medical care delivery methods designed to lower the costs of health care generally.

Find more information about the Affordable Care Act, or read the full legislation. You can also See if You’ll Save.


Health Insurance Terminology

Premium – The amount you pay to an insurance company for a health insurance policy - this is usually a monthly payment.

Deductible – The amount of money you must pay for medical services before your insurance begins paying.

Co-Insurance – The percentage of your medical costs that you are required to pay after your deductible has been paid. There is occasionally a maximum out-of-pocket amount that limits the amount of co-insurance you are required to pay.

Pre-Existing Condition – A medical condition experienced before the start date of your insurance policy.

Exclusion – A medical condition that the insurance policy does not cover.

Co-Payment – The amount that you are required to pay out-of-pocket, up front for a service or medication.


How much does health insurance cost?

The cost of a health insurance varies from plan to plan. Below are some good questions for you to ask to make sure you are choosing the best policy for you and your family:

  • What benefits are offered?
  • How much will I pay before insurance coverage begins? (How much is the deductible?)
  • What will I pay for services after I pay the deductible?
  • In total, how much will I have to pay if one of my family members or I become ill? (What is the out-of-pocket maximum?)

Purchasing insurance plans with the lowest premium or with a very high out-of-pocket maximum can result in many services and treatments being uncovered by the plan.

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Let us help.

Fill out this form to talk with an advisor.

Are you currently a licensed RN?

This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

Are you a member of the military?

We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.