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Commencement is just around the corner! To help you prepare for your big day, we’ve compiled a checklist you can reference to keep track of everything you should do leading up to the main event. 

Check these items off your to-do list, and you’ll be sure to have a stress-free time celebrating your achievements with friends and family. 

commencement checklist
  1. Join our Facebook Events for the graduation celebration on Saturday and commencement ceremony on Sunday to stay up-to-date on all things commencement. Be sure to plan out your days accordingly so you can participate in all of the fun!*
  2. Read our blog about everything you need to know for commencement.
  3. Download, create an account, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured on the jumbotron using #UAGCgrad24
  4. Find out if any of your classmates are attending, and plan to meet in person.
  5. Tell your family members who cannot attend that there will be a live-stream link available on on ceremony day.
  6. Confirm your flight, hotel room, and rental car, if traveling.
  7. Decorate your cap (or do it with our peers at our decorating station during the festivities on Saturday).
  8. Get your camera equipment ready (if using your phone, make sure memory isn’t full) and be sure to pack your chargers. Take lots of pictures and share the musing #UAGCgrad24! Get some photo tips here.
  9. Plan your visit to Glendale.
  10. Pack comfortable shoes. 
  11. Bring sunscreen.
  12. Remember to pack your cap, tassel, and gown and be sure to iron. 
  13. Reach out to your advisor or [email protected] with any questions.
  14. Arrive early.
  15. Plan a spot to meet your group afterward for celebration photos.
  16. Don't forget to bring your cap, gown, and tassel on Sunday!

*Attendance at Saturday’s events is not required but is highly encouraged.

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This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

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We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.