Health and Wellness Psychology Specialization

Foster healthy organizations and workplace environments that allow employees to thrive with the Health and Wellness Psychology Specialization from the University of Arizona Global Campus. This program will help you develop the skills to enhance employees’ nutrition, exercise, and work-life balance. Go beyond prevention to encourage thriving in all aspects of life. Your specialization may require prerequisite course work. Please talk to your advisor for more information.

Program Disclosures

Health and Wellness Psychology Specialization for Graduate Degrees

Your Health and Wellness Psychology specialization provides the cutting-edge research to advance the overall physical and psychological health of individuals within an organization. With advanced courses in how to diagnose, develop, and evaluate wellness models, you will deepen your expertise at proactively transforming organizations and promoting healthy employee behavior.

Degrees Offering the Health and Wellness Psychology Specialization


Doctor of Psychology

Graduate Health and Wellness Psychology Specialization Courses

ORG 7343 Advanced Intervention Strategies in Wellness Programming

3 Credits

This course examines the full range of intervention strategies and learning modalities for promoting health and wellness. Students will explore the most updated and proven theories for achieving strong employee participation, improving lifestyles and health outcomes, as well as for reducing health care costs. Students will analyze and plan advanced interventions for new wellness programs and mature wellness programs. Additional topics in this advanced course will cover recent issues in health care such as the impact of an aging population, use of incentives, injury prevention, and medical consumerism. Students will conduct a survey of relevant research to determine suitable environments and conditions for integration of current best practices.

ORG 7356 Integrative Medicine in Health Promotion Programs

3 Credits

This course examines recent advances in traditional and nontraditional research that have led to new ways of thinking about well-being and illness. Drawing on fields such as neuroscience, positive psychology, and interdisciplinary consciousness studies, students will enhance their awareness of ways to promote exceptional health habits through self-awareness and enlightenment. Students will also conduct in-depth studies of advanced research and theories that integrate mind-body practices beneficial to the health of individuals, groups, and organizations alike. Advanced practices in the areas of performance, health psychology, energy healing, indigenous, and Eastern medicine will be explored. Students will assess the efficacy and appropriateness of various practices to know which of them to incorporate into health promotion programs. The Health and Wellness Psychology student will be well-informed about the ramifications of nutrient deficiency, and that there is a fourth aspect of well-being besides (a) stress management, (b) dietary choices, and (c) exercise regimen. This fourth aspect is (d) dietary supplementation with the goal of counter-balancing nutrient deficiency. The safety of dietary supplements is explored, along with the differences between synthetic, natural and organic supplements.

ORG 8300 International Comparison of Health Insurance Systems

3 Credits

This course examines healthcare delivery systems in various developed economies around the world. Content focuses on health insurance and other forms of healthcare financing, and means of providing efficient and effective healthcare to the general public. The course includes discussions of a variety of healthcare financing and healthcare delivery systems in countries around the world, some of which offer nationally financed programs, while others offer a combination of nationalized and private health care features. Pertinent issues related to healthcare financing and delivery systems located in the United States will be highlighted and analyzed. Topics include current issues and practices in the public policy related to financing and delivery of healthcare, preventative and wellness programs, access to healthcare, and quality of care.

ORG 8320 Environmental Stress on Mind & Body

3 Credits

This course addresses important aspects of environmental influences on health and wellness, such as exposure to industrial chemicals, environmental toxins in air and water due to excessive use of agricultural chemicals, as well as contaminates from radon, molds and cancer causing erionite exposure. A corporate health and wellness consultant needs to be familiar with basic environmental hazards that cause illness both in the private and corporate settings, as well as how to address the health and wellness needs of those whose health has already been compromised through environmental agents.

ORG 8340 Exploring the Self: Increasing the Efficiency of Helping Others

3 Credits

This course emphasizes the importance of reflecting on the self. The emphasis is on exploring unresolved shame, guilt, anger and interpersonal communication blunders, the role of forgiveness and making amends, along with negative and positive communication patterns as they help future health and wellness experts increase their effectiveness in advising and counseling employees, patients and clients in various organizational settings. The role of suppressing biased thinking is also addressed. The idea is that people who are able to address their own psychological needs are more efficient in helping others, than those who have unresolved issues.

ORG 8500 Advanced Topics in Organizational Consulting

3 Credits

This course focuses on the application of psychological principles to the workplace and how psychologists can facilitate the improvement of work environments, conditions, employee performance, and interpersonal/team functioning. In addition, the course provides a review of the basic theory, research, and practice in organizational training, development, and behavior. Topics covered include job performance and attitudes, work motivation, personnel selection and classification, group influence, and training and development. There is an emphasis on the contribution of specific psychological skills in organizational consultation.

ORG 8510 Advanced Seminar: Leading Organizational Change

3 Credits

This seminar examines cutting edge trends in organizational change, the current global business climate, forces driving change, and issues related to positioning organizations for the future. The topics selected will connect change with culture, existing organizational strategies, and the process of change in future directions. Major case study examples of organizational change are included in the learning process.

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This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

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We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.