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If you have strong problem-solving skills, excel at organizational tasks, and are passionate about the development of others, you might consider going into the field of human resources. To help prepare you for a gratifying career, the online Master of Human Resource Management degree from the University of Arizona Global Campus is focused on developing the competencies and crucial interactive skills you need to become an effective HR strategist or possibly an HR manager one day. 

What is Human Resources Management and What is its Role?

Human resource management is often referred to as the practice of obtaining, hiring, and managing an organization's employees. HR managers oversee and strategically manage people as business resources. People that create a workforce are the most important aspect of a successful business. Developing strategies to retain and grow these employees while compensating them fairly is all a part of the HR management process.

Additionally, when you study human resource management, you’ll also gain interpersonal skills associated with labor management, employment law, and employment development based on a company's needs. Coursework at Global Campus is aligned with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) curriculum standards. This alignment means that in your final year of study, you will become eligible to apply for the SHRM Certified Professional exam (SHRM-CP) once you have 500 hours of relevant HR experience. This experience and certification could help you to achieve a complete skillset that leading companies are seeking in top candidates. 

What can I do with a master’s degree in human resources? 

With a master’s degree in human resource management, you will not only learn how to build a company’s recruitment process and policies, but you also will understand how to appropriately and proactively address the social, ethical, legal, and economic issues of the organization as well. If you are currently completing your bachelor's degree in human resources, you are already taking giant leaps in learning the general business skills associated with HR.  

If your ultimate goal is to advance to higher levels of management, a master’s degree in human resource management can help you enhance your skills, expand your network, increase your earning potential, and set you apart from others in the field. By earning this advanced degree, you will be better equipped as a strategic partner in business, leading a company's HR operations through the successful advances necessary for growth.

Why should you earn a master’s degree in human resource management? 

Obtaining your master’s degree in human resource management enables you to play a strategic role in the fulfillment of a company’s business goals. You will be able to impact organizational needs, assess change management initiatives, oversee employee training and development, and evaluate specific issues in the workplace, among other important tasks. While pursuing your degree, you will learn to make the data-driven decisions that lead to organizational success. Additionally, when you pursue the online Master of Human Resource Management with UAGC, you can take each six-week course one at a time, access your materials from anywhere, and receive around-the-clock technical support. What’s more, awarded the UAGC program with a Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD) Award in 2018, being named one of the top 15 degree programs with an emphasis on human resources.

What to expect when getting a master’s degree in human resource management 

Human resource professionals are vital to every industry. They provide the strategy and leadership required to attract and retain top talent. And it’s an expanding space. According to the United States Department of Bureau Labor Statistics (BLS), careers in human resource management will continue to grow by 9 percent each year extending into 2026. As you plan for your future career, consider these Occupational Employment Statistics:

States experiencing the highest levels of human resource management employment: 

  • California
  • New York
  • Illinois
  • Texas
  • Florida

Types of services with the highest concentration of human resource management positions:

  • Management of companies and enterprises 
  • Office administrative services 
  • Management, scientific, and technical consulting services 
  • Audio and video equipment manufacturing 
  • Other information services

With the growth of the human resource management field, a master’s degree might be just what you need to advance your knowledge and put you ahead of the competition.

Ready to get your master’s degree in human resource management?

As companies merge, form, or expand their human resource departments, the need for qualified and accomplished HRM talent is mandatory to oversee and administer internal programs and policies that ensure a healthy working environment. Take the next step to getting your master’s degree in human resource management. Contact Global Campus today!

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