If you are seeking admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) program, you must meet the following three levels of admission requirements (conditional, provisional, full) in order to be fully admitted to the University of Arizona Global Campus.
Conditional Requirements
The Conditional Admission period is intended to ensure that you are familiar with classroom expectations, time and technology requirements and other factors that may impact your experience as a student. It also allows you time to determine, risk free, whether the University of Arizona Global Campus is the right university for you. You must meet the following admission requirements prior to the start of your first course at the University of Arizona Global Campus:
- Have a regular high-school diploma earned through college preparatory or regular high school courses or GED equivalency recognized by the Department of Education of the state in which it was earned, completed secondary school through home schooling as defined by state law; or earned an equivalent to a US high school diploma at an international high school according to approved Foreign Evaluation services.
- An earned IEP or Special Education Diploma or Certificate of Completion based upon IEP goals does not meet the regular high school diploma
requirement for admission to the University of Arizona Global Campus. - Qualified applicants will self-certify as to their high school education on the application for admission.
- If no high school degree was earned, if you have successfully completed at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a Bachelor’s degree from an appropriately accredited postsecondary institution, as defined by the University of Arizona Global Campus transfer credit policies, you may be admitted
- An earned IEP or Special Education Diploma or Certificate of Completion based upon IEP goals does not meet the regular high school diploma
- The University of Arizona Global Campus may also require, at its discretion, that you provide a high school transcript, high school diploma, and/or evidence of passing the GED or state certificate awarded.
- Have access to a computer with an Internet connection for the Web-based programs and meet the minimum technology and minimum computer skills, abilities, features, system configurations, hardware, and software outlined in the Catalog.
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Under 18 applicants seeking to enroll in a Bachelor's Degree program must appeal in writing to the University Registrar or designee. The appeal must include a written essay and submission of unofficial documentation showing proof of High School graduation as outlined in the catalog.
- Appeal decisions will be communicated from the Registrar’s Office to students via email and must be approved prior to enrollment. All Under 18 applicants will be paired with a CHAMPS mentor at time of matriculation.
- Have the ability to study English indicated by one of the following**:
- Achieved a recognized high school diploma or equivalent in which the primary language of instruction was English***
- Received a GED that was taken in English***;
- A minimum of 30 credits have been earned from regionally or approved nationally accredited colleges/universities in the United States or equivalent in which the primary language of instruction was English; or
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination taken within the past two (2) years. For the TOEFL, a minimum score of 500 paper-based or 61 Internet-based is required. For the IELTS, a minimum score of 6 is required. Copies of official scores must be submitted prior to provisional enrollment, and official scores must be submitted for full admission.
**Satisfying the English Language Requirement does not exempt a student who earned his/her high school diploma outside of the United States from the additional admission requirements for applicants with international academic credentials.
***If satisfying the English Language Requirement through a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent not completed in the United States, additional documentation may be required. Please contact the Registrar’s Office for further information.
- Possess a current, active, unrestricted license to practice as a Registered Nurse or its equivalent in at least one U.S. state. You must maintain an active unrestricted license throughout the program.
- Have earned a nursing (hospital) diploma or Associate’s degree in Nursing from a regionally accredited or approved nationally accredited college or university.**
- Have earned a grade of C- or higher in Microbiology (with lab), or equivalent, from a
regionally accredited or approved nationally accredited institution.**
**Unofficial or official transcripts showing an earned nursing (hospital) diploma or Associate’s degree in Nursing and Microbiology (with lab) coursework must be submitted with the Application for Admission. In order to determine a student’s initial course schedule, students should submit unofficial or official transcripts demonstrating successful completion of coursework in: Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Statistics, Human Anatomy (with lab), Human Physiology (with lab), if available.
Provisional Requirements
You must meet the following requirements in order to be provisionally admitted to a Bachelor's degree program at the University of Arizona Global Campus:
- Attain a cumulative grade of C- or better by Day 6 of Week 3 in the course; and
- Attend week 4 of the first course.
Attendance in week 4 constitutes your confirmation of your intention to continue in the program as a regular student. Please refer to the University of Arizona Global Campus Promise for additional information.
Full Requirements
The following requirements must be met prior to the conclusion of the fourth (4th) attempted the University of Arizona Global Campus course in a degree seeking program. To start the fifth (5th) course, you must complete all the requirements subsequently outlined.
- Official TOEFL or IELTS scores, if required for admission
- If you meet the English Language requirement with 30 transferable credits, you must submit the official transcript(s) where these credits were earned
- If you were provisionally admitted with completion of a two-year program from an appropriately accredited postsecondary institution as defined by the University of Arizona Global Campus transfer credit policies you must have official transcripts of those credits on file to meet full admissions requirements.
- Possess a current, active, unrestricted license to practice as a Registered Nurse or its equivalent in at least one U.S. state. Students must maintain an active unrestricted license throughout the program.
- Submission of official transcript(s) from the regionally accredited or approved nationally accredited institution that awarded the nursing (hospital) diploma or Associate’s degree in Nursing.
- Submission of official transcript(s) from the regionally accredited or approved nationally accredited institution demonstrating completion of Microbiology (with lab), or equivalent, with a grade of C- or higher.
Those who do not meet all requirements will not be fully admitted and will be withdrawn from the program. You may be readmitted to the University of Arizona Global Campus at such time that all requirements for full admission have been met.
If the aforementioned required documentation does not apply, you are fully admitted at the time of transfer credit evaluation, in accordance with the Transfer Credit Evaluation policy.
Please see the Academic Catalog for additional detailed requirements for Full Admission.
Transfer Credits
Put your college credits to work at the University of Arizona Global Campus! You can transfer up to 90 semester credits (135 quarter credits) to help fulfill your degree requirements.* That means all your past hard work may not be wasted.
Your first course at the University of Arizona Global Campus will be ASH 101. Unsuccessful completion of ASH 101 will result in the rescheduling of the course and may require a revision of the future course sequence.
* The transferability of credits is subject to Global Campus' transfer credit policies, and requires the submission of official transcripts. The official transcripts will be evaluated to determine the credits that will officially apply toward a Global Campus degree program.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
Upon being granted provisional admission the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program, the Global Campus Registrar’s Office staff will begin requesting transcripts of your prior postsecondary education using the signed Transcript Request form.
The Registrar’s Office will request official transcripts of all prior postsecondary education, as provided by you in the application for admission, as well as any school appearing in your National Student Clearinghouse record. This request includes:
- College or university transcripts from any regionally or approved nationally accredited postsecondary educational institution attended
- Military credits evaluated for equivalency to college credits
You are responsible for submitting official documentation of any postsecondary credit previously earned through examination or credit earned through non-collegiate instruction to be evaluated for applicability to Global Campus program requirements.
Once transcripts of all prior postsecondary education have been received, the Registrar’s Office staff will complete your transfer credit evaluation. At the conclusion of the fourth (4th) attempted Global Campus course in a degree seeking program, if any transcripts of prior postsecondary education have not yet been received, the Registrar’s Office staff will proceed with the transfer credit evaluation of any transcripts of postsecondary education received to date. You are then admitted on Academic Watch due to failure to provide confirmation of a combined cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all prior traditional postsecondary education. Additional transcripts may be submitted for evaluation at a later date, should they become available.
If it is determined prior to the conclusion of the fourth (4th) attempted Global Campus course that certain transcripts are unable to be provided, you may sign and submit an Authorization to Close File form thereby waiving potential transfer credits from previously attended schools, in order to expedite the transfer credit evaluation process.
If you sign an Authorization to Close File form, thereby waiving potential transfer credits from previously attended schools, you are admitted on Academic Watch due to failure to provide confirmation of a combined cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all prior traditional postsecondary education. These transcripts may be submitted for evaluation at a later date, should they become available.
You are responsible for reviewing your transfer credit evaluation as well as your scheduled courses with your Student Advisor and informing them of any courses that you feel are duplicative or equivalent in content to previously completed coursework or non-traditional learning.
You may submit official transcripts to Global Campus for review of transfer credits at any time.
Cohort Retention, Persistence, and Graduation
Information regarding cohort retention, persistence, and graduation data for online Bachelor’s degree-level students can be found at the following link: Online Bachelor's Data. Additional disaggregated views of cohort retention, persistence, and graduation for students in all degree levels and modalities are also available.