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The feeling of belonging plays a pivotal role in shaping vibrant learning communities that explore ideas and deepen understanding through dialogue. Still, individuals in all roles within a higher-education institution at times experience a lack of belonging, which can lock them out of the critical thinking process and learning experiences. A 2023 discussion of the implications of belonging in higher education in The Chronicle of Higher Education poses this question: "If the feeling of not belonging is an inescapable part of life, and a context-specific and ephemeral one at that, what should colleges be aiming for?" In other words, if belonging is the door to success in higher education, where are the keys?
The 2024 UAGC Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC) aims to address this question through discourse about the diverse factors of belonging that impact the higher-education experience - for students, faculty, and staff at all levels and disciplines. Presentations will reflect theoretical and practical approaches to topics like:
- Definitions of belonging in higher education (e.g., cultural, social, institutional, professional, intellectual, economic, etc.)
- Barriers to and opportunities for creating belonging in higher education (e.g., technology, finances, culture, geography, academic background, at-potential characteristics, values/beliefs, etc.)
- Operational solutions to issues of belonging (e.g., institutional policies and practices, both student- and staff/faculty-facing)
- Discourse practices that foster intellectual belonging (e.g., teaching and/or advising practices; staff/faculty teamwork practices, using artificial intelligence)
- Tangible approaches to measuring belonging (e.g., how to know when a factor of belonging is achieved; how to design a belonging-focused initiative so that it is measurable, etc.)
- Discipline-specific research on the concept of belonging (e.g., the study of humanities, cultural studies, etc.)
Keywords: hidden curriculum, faculty belonging, learning community, self-efficacy, first-generation learners, ESL learners, peer mentoring, inclusion, culture, mentorship, interdisciplinary collaboration, social responsibility, community of inquiry, critical thinking, creative thinking, effectiveness, equity, evidence.
Celebrating its 10th year, the annual UAGC Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC) is evidence of continuous effort, growth, and commitment to fostering teaching and learning excellence. Over the last decade, the UAGC Teaching and Learning Conference has adapted to changing educational landscapes, examined emerging trends in teaching and learning, and consistently provided a valuable platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and learners to share insights, experiences, and innovative approaches.
TLC Award Recipients
The First Step: Initiating a Conversation on Credit for Prior Learning and Belonging Research
Speakers: Alexa Dunne; Matt Bergman; Melissa DeBlois; Susan Forseille

Belonging is known to be an important factor in college students’ persistence. Students awarded Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) have increased persistence and completion rates. Available research on why this increase occurs with awarded CPL strongly suggests CPL increases sense of Belonging. Join industry professionals to discuss the data indicating a correlation between CPL and Belonging, explore identified gaps in the knowledge, and jump start the conversation on how the industry can research this intriguing subject. This session invites audience participation on topics such as leveraging the National Institute of Health General Belonging Scale and survey recommendations, identifying increased belonging due to CPL versus other factors, and use for results of a research study in this area.
Watch this session and more on the TLC 2024 Playlist.
This award recognizes the session that most effectively embraced the conference theme through either theoretical inquiry or practical application.
Unpacking the Code: Understanding and Supporting Faculty Women of Color at Online Institutions
Speakers: Dr. Teresa Leary Handy

As awareness of the importance of diversity has increased in society, higher education has begun to recognize the importance of supporting faculty of color on student success and a student’s sense of belonging and inclusion, specifically marginalized students. However, higher education continues to face challenges supporting and retaining faculty of color which has significant implications for student outcomes. Female faculty of color often face specific barriers and challenges that undermine diversity efforts and hinder the ability of colleges and universities to provide a supportive environment. This workshop will share findings of the Each One Reach One study that sought to determine the effectiveness of peer mentoring between a female person of color full time faculty member and faculty members who identify as female people of color at a virtual university to have direct impact on students’ academic success and sense of belonging with solutions and strategies.
Watch this session and more on the TLC 2024 Playlist.
This award recognizes the individual who has demonstrated the highest level of engagement, which translates into an enriching experience for the TLC community.
Kelvin Hicks

- October 1 - Pre-recorded sessions due
- October 22 - Conference platform launches for asynchronous engagement, pre-recorded presentations
- November 5-7 - Live Conference Sessions
TLC Think Tank Sessions - attend to discuss, ideate about, and get feedback on your conference proposal. TLC Think Tank session reflects the TLC 2024 conference theme by supporting our community and empowering them to engage– it's a unique opportunity to engage with scholars and practitioners, foster personal, professional, and intellectual growth, and expand one's network, no matter your background or experience. The Teaching and Learning Conference is a developmental opportunity designed to support all levels of conference presentation experience. If you have an idea or thought or even a thought about an idea, attend a think tank session to take those thoughts to the next level!
- Higher-education thought leaders from across the US and abroad
- Faculty, students, and researchers in all disciplines
- Curriculum developers, instructional designers, and instructional technologists
- Student Affairs and Student Advising professionals
- Library, Writing Center, and academic publishing professionals
- Faculty Support and Development professionals
"Come to TLC you will learn from practitioners and researchers alike, which makes the conference really "feel" like a professional learning community. The session lengths are perfect and the keynote and featured sessions are always dynamic."
"Great conference--I had many takeaways as a new instructor/member of the UAGC team!"
"Opportunity to grow, hone skills, reinforce knowledge, research and pay it forward. A great platform for learning!"
If you're interested in volunteering, sign up to become a Teaching and Learning Conference Volunteer in one of the following roles:
- TLC Ambassador
- Proposal Reviewer
- Conference Session Tech Host
- Conference Session Host
The TLC Proceedings is a published record of peer-reviewed conference presentations via a journal–type paper presented by conference participants which covers research findings, case studies, and new developments in a specific field. Conference proceedings serve to disseminate research within the academic community, support collaborative discourse, aim to recognize the presenters' work, and provide a valuable feedback channel on the presenters' work. The papers will cover a wide range of topics addressing the UAGC TLC theme: Where are My Keys? Unlocking Belonging in Higher Education. One paper will be awarded the inaugural Outstanding Paper for UAGC TLC 2024.
Papers will be reviewed on the basis of originality, scholarship, clarity of discourse, and significance, as well as the degree to which the subject matter demonstrates the appropriate application of concepts and theories related to belonging and/or online/e-learning pedagogy and scholarship that expresses innovative ideas and best practices. Each paper will be peer-reviewed by an editorial board comprised of international educators with research and practical experience in online instruction and distance education. A double-blind review process will be used to evaluate papers according to the paper selection criteria.
One paper will be selected for the inaugural Teaching and Learning Conference Proceedings Outstanding Paper.
October 15 - Submit papers to [email protected]. Review the submission guidelines prior to submitting your paper. Submit an original copy and a blind copy with all identifying information removed. Submitters will receive confirmation that their paper has been received. If you do not receive confirmation that your paper has been received, please resubmit your paper and email [email protected] requesting confirmation of receipt.
By November 15 - the Teaching and Learning Conference Proceedings editorial board will send peer reviews with suggested revisions to the authors
By December 15 - Authors of accepted papers will submit a final version that addresses the peer feedback to [email protected].
January 2025 - Teaching and Learning Conference Proceedings published
Your manuscript should follow these submission guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the requirements specified may result in automatic rejection by the editorial board. No more than two paper proposals will be accepted for consideration for publication in the conference proceedings.
Review conference proceedings examples here.
- TCC Proceedings (
- Publication Opportunity - Teaching and Education Conference 2024 (
- Referred Conference Proceedings (
Submission Guidelines
- Your submission must be based on your TLC presentation.
- 4-6 double-spaced pages or between 1000 - 2000 words (not including title page, references, or tables). We will not accept longer papers.
- Include the title of your presentation, your name(s), affiliation(s), and email addresses. Please include any co-authors.
- Your submission must include a descriptive title and abstract, not to exceed 250 words, that clearly reflects the content of your paper.
- Follow the current APA style guide.
- Ensure any email addresses and URLs in your paper are accurate.
- Papers must be original and not previously published or presented at another conference.
- Include an introduction section that clearly explains the purpose, need for research and research questions that connect to a theoretical framework, a literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.
- Report data in tables or figures. Visual representation of data is important.
Upon review, you will be notified by email of the results, which may be:
- Recommend acceptance as is
- Recommend acceptance with revisions, as noted.
- Rejected, with reason.
If your paper is accepted, you will be notified to upload a photo and a short bio which will be included in the published conference proceedings.
Questions about the submission proposal process? Contact [email protected].
Editorial Board
- Dr. Iman Azzi
- Dr. Sara Bielek
- Dr. Vicki Black
- Megan Broker
- Dr. Carla Crider
- Dr. Ramona Dorough
- Richard Freese
- Dr. Kyeko Herderson
- Dr. Chrystal Jansz
- Dr. Chenille Johnson
- Shelley O'Connor
- Dr. Aneeza Pervez
- Dr. Derrick Robinson
- Dr. Karla Shockley McCarthy
- Dr. David Ssekamatte
- Dr. Jason W. Stegemoller
- Dr. Camille Sutton-Brown
- Dr. Ryan Upshaw
- Victoria West-Pawl
- Dr. Reginald Wilkerson
- Dr. Vahıde Yığıt-Gençten
- Dr. Shelly Zaldivar
- Dr. Teresa Leary Handy, The University of Arizona Global Campus
- Dr. Jennifer Robinson, The University of Arizona Global Campus
Peer Reviewers
- Megan Broker, Megan Broker Consulting
- Dr. Carla Crider, Tarrant County College
- Dr. Chera Deressa, Mulungushi University
- Dr. Ramona Dorough, UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Dr. Richard Freese, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Dr. Kyeko D. Henderson, Special Education Consultant
- Dr. Chrystal Jansz, The Chicago School, Applied Behavior Analysis Online
- Dr. Teresa Kuruc, The University of Arizona Global Campus
- Dr. Kennedy Maranga, St. Thomas University
- Dr. Derrick Robinson, North Carolina A&T University
- Dr. David Ssekamatte, Uganda Management Institute
- Dr. Pamela Tanner, Tennessee State University
- Dr. Ryan Upshaw, Millsaps College
- Dr. Vahıde Yığıt-Gençten, Adiyaman University, Turkey
Office of Student Access and Wellness: Accessibility Support Services
The University of Arizona Global Campus is committed to providing an equal opportunity to access a full educational experience within the programs and services provided.
Those who would like to request accommodations such as captioned videos, transcripts, or live remote captioning to ensure access should contact the Office of Student Access and Wellness at [email protected] to submit a request for services. If you have any accessibility-related questions, please email [email protected] as soon as possible and by, November 1st. Access and Wellness will work to support any requests made after this date however late requests cannot be guaranteed.