Spring is here, and the scent of fresh flowers and success (or should we say “tenacity”?) is in the air! As our students continue to move forward through 2021, they remain focused on all the goals they have set for themselves and the work they are putting into achieving them. This month’s UAGC #TenacityMade superstars prove they are doing just that!

If you’re seeking some inspiration to get past life’s obstacles and reach your personal and professional goals, look no further than these quotes from your peers who, just like you, are working hard daily to overcome hurdles and achieve success. 

We are #TenacityMade

We regularly ask our UAGC Facebook followers how they stay tenacious with their studies while balancing life and school. Here’s a sampling of the top 10 responses from this past month. 

Jason F. TenacityMade

1. “After the birth of my son, I took one class off in conjunction with my paternity leave, and I am so glad to be back in Eng Comp II (and back to work!). That bachelor’s degree cannot be earned fast enough!” – Jason F.

2. "By giving myself a little self-care. Working and going to school during this pandemic has been stressful and exhausting.” – Shariyka N.

Kimberly W tenacitymade

3. “I do most of my homework for the week on Sundays when work is slow. During the week, I make sure to help my daughter with her studies. The rest of the time I concentrate on my fitness and keeping my house clean. I am one of those odd people who enjoy being busy. It works well for me.”– Kimberly W.

4. “Keeping my head high to make my momma proud. Staying positive and kind.” – Jennifer C.

Kris M. TenacityMade

5. “Going home and putting business attire on over your scrubs to take care of your video assignment. Handling a full-time job, full-time school, and going to my daughter’s club volleyball tournaments and practices.” – Kris M.

6. “Working full-time as lead in an infant room and coming home to take care of my family and work on schoolwork can take a lot out of you. But I’m making time for myself. Setting out the time to work and the time to rest really helps me a lot. Time management is a huge help in this!”– Simone F.

Frankie E.

7. “I’ve recently had two tios pass away, but with being in an online course, I knew I had to continue to stay focused and keep my study time firm. Life throws curve balls, and it’s all about how we catch those curve balls and run with them.” – Frankie E.

8. “Through the support of family and having a mindset of accomplishing goals every day.” – Chris M.

Leslie Nicole T TenacityMade

9. “I am keeping my end goal in mind, which is graduating this year despite being tired from work and raising two toddlers.” – Leslie Nicole T.

10. “Having my son next to me while we both do online school and support each other and helping our community by doing food drives with his school. Bring on Class of 2022!” – Denise K.

Keep the Conversation Going

Be sure to join the conversation, and tell us why you are #TenacityMade. Each week, head over to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and post a picture or video along with a sentence about what motivates you to stick with your plan, and tell us how you represent #TenacityMade.


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