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It’s nearly the end of winter, and we have all made it through another season of challenges and achievements. It’s something to celebrate, but it’s also a time when you may find yourself losing steam. But now is not the time to give up! Whether you’re seeking motivation to pursue advancement in your professional life, develop deeper personal relationships, or conquer your college career, you’ll find the push you need to succeed in these quotes from your peers who, just like you, are working hard daily to overcome life’s many hurdles and achieve success, and if they can do it, so can you. 

Keep reading to get motivated to keep pushing forward to your goals this month!

We are #TenacityMade

We regularly ask our UAGC Facebook followers how they stay tenacious with their studies while balancing life and school. Here’s a sampling of how students and alumni say they are pushing toward their goals this year:

UAGC student Shayna Nicole T. TenacityMade blog incopy image

1. “My motivation has been my family! My husband has pushed himself in his career as a soldier for our family, and almost two years ago, I decided it was my turn. I have made the Dean’s List every time since starting school in May 2020, and I graduate with my associate degree in May! My GPA is up to 3.68, which is the best it’s ever been. We are also expecting our baby girl in May. Our little family is growing while mommy’s knowledge is growing.” Shayna Nichole T.

2. “Prior to starting this academic journey, there seemed to be a little reluctance. There was fear of failure, thoughts of not having the time to complete class assignments, or the intellect to meet and comprehend the material. Class after class, the picture started to move into focus. With every stroke of the brush throughout each week, the masterpiece was being formed. Although my masterpiece is far from completion, the subject is clear. I will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in human resources management. There was truly one milestone that in my academic life I never thought possible: the Dean’s List. … But I made it with a 4.0. That, I will continue to strive for each day and week and month until I graduate.” Matthew H.

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3. “It has been a long time coming, I have tried to go back years ago, and other obstacles prevented me. I recently got promoted, and my company offers tuition grants for people in my role. Taking full advantage of my new benefits and making my dream a reality. I am determined to put my best foot forward and be the best version of myself there is!” – Morgan A.

4. “I'm chasing healthier living while utilizing the degree I earned in 2020 as a quality Engineer. I wish you all well in 2022!” – Thomas S.

5. “My motivation is my students. As a preschool teacher*, I do my best every day to inspire my students to love learning just as my UAGC professors did for me. I make every day as fun as possible to ensure they know, just how much fun it is to learn something new. I will continue to achieve my goal of being the best educator I can be.” – Donna M.

UAGC student Dana Grove tenacitymade blog in copy image

6. “My motivation is to perform as well as possible and prove to myself that I can achieve an undergraduate degree while working full-time and maintaining a family. My undergraduate degree will also help me achieve new positions in my profession. My goal from the very beginning of school was to graduate with a 3.0 GPA or better. This year, I'm in my last year, and I'm holding a 4.0. My goal is to graduate in December, with two more trips to the Dean's List before I end my time at UAGC.” – Dana G.

7. “My new year’s resolution is to keep my 4.0 and improve my time management skills! I am proud to say that I have kept a 4.0 throughout my college journey thus far. There were many times that I was in fear of losing it, but I continued to push myself toward growth. I plan to hold on to my mindset throughout the trials ahead of me and keep looking forward to ensure that I am learning and improving all that I am able. My motivation is my amazing group of supporters. My mother, father, sister, fiancé, and niece have stayed in my corner and rooted me on from the start. I lost my father in July of 2020, so making him proud and achieving the goals we always talked about is all the motivation this girl will ever need!” Chassidy B.

8. “My motivation for completing my degree is to provide more for myself career-wise, open the doors to more opportunities. I walk Fall 2022 and wrap up my bachelor's degree in business administration with honors in December. UAGC and my SEK family have provided me the confidence to continue onto my MBA in 2023.” – Rochelle M.

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9. “My goal is to graduate in October of this year. I was going back to finish my degree, but then I made an A. Then another A. Then another. I realized I could go to school and actually enjoy it. I've been added to the Dean’s List, and two honor societies have reached out for membership. My attitude has shifted from ‘get it done,’ to ‘get it done right and set a good example for your daughter.’ Best of luck to you all! The students have been as much of an encouragement as the instructors.” – Jamie A.

10. “My goal is to keep going no matter what and hold a nice GPA (currently at 3.50). I am 31 and have six (6) small kids, and I want this for my family. Giving up is not an option; I'm gonna achieve this dream.” – Shawna S.

Keep the Conversation Going

Be sure to join the conversation and tell us why you are #TenacityMade. Each week, head over to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and post a picture or video along with a sentence about what motivates you to stick to your goals, and tell us how you represent #TenacityMade.


Certain degree programs may not be available in all states.

*An online degree from the University of Arizona Global Campus does not lead to immediate teacher licensure in any state. 

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