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And just like that, we’re already through the first month of 2021. Time certainly flies when you’re focused on your studies and other life responsibilities. As we head into February, we’re reminded that it’s never too late to set new goals and work toward achieving them. This month’s UAGC #TenacityMade superstars are doing just that!

If you’re looking for a little motivation to get past your own hurdles and reach your personal and professional goals, read these tales of triumph and get ready to keep pushing forward this year.

We are #TenacityMade

Recently, we asked our UAGC Facebook followers how they plan to stay on track with their studies while balancing life and school in the new year. Here’s how they answered. 

1. “I keep ahead of my schedule so I don’t get behind. Also, I get my coffee and large water bottle ready to knock out those assignments.” - Christle Nicole

stephanie brentson tenacitymade

2. “I use the calendar on my phone and put all of my assignments in it and all of my kids’ sports, Dr. appointments, vacations, etc., that way I can keep track of everything. I know what is due when and what I have planned outside of school.” - Stephanie Brentson

3. “Keeping a planner on when the assignments are due, so I have plenty of time to get them finished. Having a toddler with health issues can be overwhelming sometimes, so, I try to get everything done on Sunday and Monday.” - Holly Carter

mega lee plude TenacityMade

4. “Having healthy fitness goals to achieve (like 12 5Ks in 12 months) alongside my academic goals will keep me sharp, motivated, and #TenacityMade.” - Megan Lee Plude 

5. “Planning ahead and making sure my assignments are due in advance if need be. Being a mother of a toddler, working full-time, and attending school full-time, life gets crazy and hectic. It makes it so much easier for me to just click and submit. Also, I tend to continue my goals of getting good grades and succeeding.” - Amanda Williams

6. “Despite being so sick and getting better and sick again, I spent my first five weeks back in the fall dealing with thyroid issues. The thyroid became aggressively overactive and I spent my days going back and forth from my bed to my computer thinking I wasn’t going to get past it. I barely did! Then my second five weeks I did great and rocked an A. Then Christmas break came and left. I started my next class and started getting sick again. Now I have shingles in my eye. But I’ve fought! I even made the Dean’s List!” - Conda Jean DeFriece

jena schubert TenacityMade

7. “Because I have this little guy looking up to me. I want to show him you can work full-time and finish what you start." - Jena Schubert

8. “Tea bombs keep me going as well as staying consistent with my time and schedule!” - Kimberly Wadlow

valeria ganiron Tenacitymade

9. “Raking my mini Zen garden. I plan to have my due dates the day before things are due to allow for unplanned emergencies. I will devote time to my job and only my job when I am working. I will also ensure that I have time for my children when they ask me to ride bikes or play UNO. Having a well-balanced life, I have learned, has helped me stay focused in all of the different areas.” - Valerie Ganiron

10. “Coffee is a must. Staying ahead of schedule on assignments. And just reminding myself that I’m doing this for my children and family.” - Amanda Coldren

Keep the Conversation Going

Be sure to join the conversation, and tell us why you are #TenacityMade. Each week, head over to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and post a picture or video along with a sentence about what motivates you to stick with your plan, and tell us how you represent #TenacityMade.


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