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The year 2021 is flying by right before our eyes. As we move through spring and look ahead to the summer months, our students are continuing to stay focused in order to reach the goals they set for themselves this year. With hard work, dedication, and positive thinking, they are doing just that. This month’s UAGC #TenacityMade superstars are proof that it is possible to overcome challenges and achieve your aspirations!

If you’re seeking some motivation to get past life’s obstacles and reach your personal and professional goals, look no further than these quotes from your peers who, just like you, are working hard daily to overcome hurdles and achieve success. 

We are #TenacityMade

We regularly ask our UAGC Facebook followers how they stay tenacious with their studies while balancing life and school. Here’s a sampling of how students and alumni have responded. 

1. “In the past month, my husband left for a year deployment to Japan. I am an essential employee at my job, I go to school, and I’m also homeschooling my second-grade daughter who is not back in the classroom as of yet. Taking care of the house and the finances while my husband is gone has just given me that extra push I need to finish these last couple months of school to graduate and move on to the next step in my journey of having a successful career. When I welcome my husband home from his deployment, we can celebrate my graduation and his upcoming retirement. We have a lot to be thankful for, and I have stayed resilient these past 3 1/2 years of school.” – Delilah M.

Delilah TenacityMade

2. “Living in the Louisiana area, the yearly storm season can [impact] one’s dream for academic excellence that seems far out of reach. But 2018 was a turning point for me to move forward with gusto like a Louisiana storm. Fast forward to 2021, and I am a senior undergraduate at UAGC majoring in English and will be finished 11/01/2021.” – Donna G. 

3. “Life gets crazy and hectic being a mother of a toddler, working full time, and attending school full time. Planning ahead and making sure my assignments are due in advance, if need be, makes it so much easier to just click and submit. Also, I intend to continue my goals of getting good grades and succeeding.” – Amanda W.

4. “Honestly, this has been the hardest year yet in my education. My grandmother passed around this time last year, and I took it hard. I was supposed to graduate this past October but couldn't make the grade. Add that to becoming a virtual teacher/parent all while still trying to go to school, and it seemed impossible. I was ready to forget it, but then I was reminded that graduation may be delayed but not denied! I have worked too hard over the last couple of years being my mom's caretaker, a wife, and a mom with a full-time job to just give up now! Now I am 15 credits away, and I am dedicated more than ever to push and get my degree. This is my story, and I pray it encourages someone else to never give up on your goals/dreams!” – Mia D.

5. “I am taking classes at UAGC for my bachelor’s degree in business leadership, and classes at my local community college for my associate degree in business administration. I am also in SEK orientation and was invited to apply to the Honors Program! This in addition to working 45 hours a week!” – Tracey S.R.

Tracey SR TenacityMade

6. “I look forward to finishing my degree in February 2022 and watching my husband and my new business grow. With any luck, we will have another semi [truck] in the fleet this time next year!” – Kayla B.

7. “I am about a year-and-a-half away from graduating. As long as I keep pushing through and believing in myself, then the sky's the limit. I wake up every morning and put my feet on the ground. That means it's going to be a great day. Never give up. Your dream is always around the corner. You just have to reach for it.” – Pam D.

8. “I’m so excited to be back in school pursuing my bachelor’s degree with UAGC! Balancing a 40-plus hour a week job as an insurance agent and two children in school has presented a challenge, but the example I am setting for them is invaluable. Thanks, UAGC, for being a partner to see me attain my goals!” – Trever S.


9. “After four long years of working hard toward my degree, I finally finished and am looking to reach new heights in employment. I urge everyone to push hard and work toward their goals, and eventually you will reach them.” – Jacob P.

10. “Started new student orientation, and I am ready to start this new chapter of my life. I work with at-risk youth in a residential setting, and I am going to show them that going back to school and following your dreams is possible. You just need to put in the work!” – Alexis R.

Alexis TenacityMade

Keep the Conversation Going

Be sure to join the conversation and tell us why you are #TenacityMade. Each week, head over to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and post a picture or video along with a sentence about what motivates you to stick to your goals, and tell us how you represent #TenacityMade.


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This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

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We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.