Are you a new student at the University of Arizona Global Campus or new to online research? Or have you resolved to make better use of the University of Arizona Global Campus (UAGC) Library? Then this is the blog for you! The UAGC Library has the quality resources you need for your assignments. This blog will introduce you to the library and provide some resources to help make your researching time more efficient and effective.
Library Tutors are Available 24/7
Did you know you can get help from a UAGC librarian 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Log in to the student portal then, click on the 24/7 Library Tutoring button on the library homepage to connect with a librarian anytime! To get help in the Pear Deck platform, type your research or the words "help needed" and click submit. Once you’re paired with a tutor, you can provide details about your assignment. You can also upload documents.
The library has created a short video, How to Access and Use Library Tutoring, as well as a tip sheet to help get you started. You’ll need the Chrome browser installed on your computer in order to use library tutoring in the UAGC library. If you do not have Chrome, you can download it here.
Library Features
Library OneSearch
The first thing you may notice on the library website is the Library OneSearch search box. Library OneSearch is often a great place to start your research, because it searches across most of the library databases all at once. Think of Library OneSearch as a big box superstore and individual databases as specialty shops.
You have two search options with Library OneSearch:
• You can use one search box on the library homepage. This option is convenient when you have a topic with only one or two keywords.
• You can use the Library OneSearch Advanced Search link. This option provides three search boxes. Three search boxes help organize your search and allow you to add one concept per search box.
This handy Advanced Search Techniques tip sheet provides guidance to get the most from your searches.
Find Articles & More
Click the Find Articles & More link on the library homepage to see the library databases organized in three different ways:
• Databases A-Z (an alphabetical listing of all databases by name)
• Databases by Subject (divided by subject areas, such as Business and Literature)
• Databases by Type (divided by type of format, such as Articles, Images, and Video)
Library Help & Information
The library can assist you with help and information on just about any subject.
The Library Help & Information section of the library homepage has lots of Do-It-Yourself resources to help you with your research:
• QuickAnswers: Type a question and search our answers! If you don’t see your question listed, submit it and a librarian will provide an individualized response within 24 hours (Monday–Friday).
• LibraryU: Here you will find tutorials and webinars that cover a variety of topics, such as how to develop keywords and how to identify a scholarly article.
• Research Guides: Check out our Research Guides page to see a variety of subject guides the library has developed that provide search tips and links to resources in areas such as Education, Business, and Health Care.
Alumni Research Assistance
If you are a UAGC alum, congratulations on your accomplishment! While your access to the UAGC library resources ended upon graduation, never fear. Google Scholar is a great alternative to access scholarly resources post-graduation. This Google Scholar Tip Sheet provides some tips to get the most out of this database.
Contact the Library
Reach out to the librarians anytime. You can contact the library via text chat, phone, or email, and you can find all the contact information on the library homepage.
Written by University Staff