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Be sure to use UAGC-provided tutors when you need help! As a UAGC student, you have access to free online tutoring and paper review services within your classroom. Using UAGC-provided tutors ensures that you will work with a trusted and credible expert who can help you better understand course concepts, provide tips to strengthen your writing, or show you how to find scholarly articles on your topic.

4 Things to Know About Online Tutoring Services

You may come across general online tutoring sites and plagiarism checkers outside of UAGC, but using these can lead to plagiarized assignments, even if these websites claim to help students with their work. Internet scammers are out there just waiting to take your ideas and make a buck at your expense. Don’t fall for it! Watch for these 4 common student scams.

1. Online tutoring websites

Did you know that online so-called “tutoring” sites such as Course Hero, UKEssays, and others do not offer tutoring services? These sites don’t care about your success! Instead, online tutoring sites often prey upon unsuspecting students to profit at students’ expense, often reusing their work or copying information from the Internet to supposedly “help.” The use of these sites can result in plagiarized assignments. When you need help with your assignments, upload your work safely to the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Paper Review or get live help from 24/7 Writing Tutoring.

2. Plagiarism checkers

Be careful uploading your work to online plagiarism checkers. The owners of these sites may keep the work that you upload and resell your work to other students. This action could cause your original work to show up as plagiarized to your instructor. Instead, to check for originality, upload your work safely to Global Campus-approved Turnitin or Grammarly’s plagiarism checker.

3. Email phishing

Watch out for emails offering help with your assignments, such as this real email solicitation below that claims to help students write assignments and avoid plagiarism:

Email subject: Hello, do you need any assistance with your assignment?

Email body: We provide writing essay services with an aim to deliver quality and affordable papers to clients worldwide. We deliver custom-written papers on the diverse topic in any field, including social science, business, psychology, law, math, arts, dissertations, health, human resources, history, nursing, research report, literature accounting, economics, business plan, annotated bibliography, finance and other vast range of disciplines. Our papers are well researched from the latest sources and according to instructions. Our services ensure better scores, professional quality work, and are plagiarism free.

These online paper-writing services, also known as “essay mills,” are only looking for your money and are not interested in helping you be successful in college or your future career. Don’t give your money to them! The so-called “tutor” may reuse another student’s assignment or glean material from the Internet to use for your paper, which means that the paper you receive is in fact plagiarized. Using these services or having another person create your assignments for you is a violation of the Global Campus ethical code and can result in removal from the university. Get real help from the Writing Center’s Paper Review service.

4. Social media phishing

Sometimes scam tutoring services will reach out to you through social media. If you get a friend request or a message from a tutoring site on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, delete it immediately! Some scammers could even make their way into our Facebook groups, so be on alert for these scammers who may pose as a student. The person may also be attempting to hack into your account by posing as a tutor. Stick with free Global Campus Writing Center tutors to be safe!

Scammers are always looking for new ways to use technology to make a buck. If you receive any communication that makes you question the sender or caller in any way, or if the communication doesn’t “feel” right, trust your instincts. You have a multitude of free resources available to you from the University of Arizona Global Campus where your success is our priority. Save your money, identity, and reputation by avoiding fake online tutoring sites. Always use UAGC-approved, UAGC-provided, and UAGC-affiliated products and services. Get real 100% free help at any time, day or night, directly from Global Campus!

View the article, Get the Most from Your Tutoring Session, to prepare for your free session.

For more information, check out this infographic on avoiding common student-targeted scams.


Don't Get Scammed By Online Tutoring Services


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