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We are surrounded by information, but how do we know information is relevant, accurate, and credible? It comes at us from all directions, all the time – from phones, computers, TVs, social media, and even from other people. To find credible information, we must be information detectives and critically consider the information we access.

It can be overwhelming to find the information that we need without spending all our time digging through information that is not relevant or accurate. This is especially true when time is ticking away at work or for a classroom deadline.

GEN 103: Information Literacy will help you develop skills and the critical thinking it takes to find and evaluate information quickly so you can be confident you are using relevant and accurate information. 
Here are three things to know about your GEN 103 Information Literacy class:

1. How can I become an information detective?
Whenever we need to know something, we turn to Google and instantly select the information we need from the first few hits. That might be fine when you are trying to remember or locate a fact. However, for academic purposes, it is not enough. In GEN 103: Information Literacy, you will explore ways to evaluate all types of information. One method we use is called the CRAAPO test. You read that right – the CRAAPO test helps to assess Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose, and Objectivity. These are the elements you should look for when considering information to help solve a problem or answer a question.

Bonus: Another great place to find information is the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. In GEN 103, you will use the library to find scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and other sources. These are the types of sources you are likely to be asked to use in your upcoming classes. In this class, you will learn how to use the library step-by-step, so it will be easy!

2. Is There a Final Paper?
Throughout this class, you will discuss the research process and consider sources from various information literacy aspects. By the end of the course, you will create a reflective summary of the research process and consider how these skills benefit you in your personal, academic, and professional life.

Bonus: There’s a small-group case study discussion each week to walk you through how to use the research process.

3. Is there a Live Learning Requirement?
In this course, students are required to attend one 30-minute Live Learning (LL) session via Zoom. LL sessions demonstrate how to use essential library tools to expand your search plan as an information detective! We understand that we all live busy lives, so an alternate option is available for those who cannot attend. Just reach out to your instructor and work together towards this alternate option.

GEN103: What’s In It for You

GEN 103: Information Literacy provides a strong foundation to help you complete your assignments and upcoming classes more effectively and efficiently. You will learn how to log in, attend a meeting via Zoom, and use time management skills throughout the course. Both skills will support your success in your professional life and your time as a scholar at UAGC.


Written by Dr. Tanya R. Mooney and Dr. Jennifer Robinson, current and former GEN 103 Faculty in the School of General Studies at the University of Arizona Global Campus, respectively.

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