Tricia Lauer
Vice President
As the VP of the Office of Assessment & Curricular Affairs, Ms. Lauer oversees a team of professionals with expertise and management over a broad range of curricular, assessment, and academic quality and educational effectiveness priorities. The Office serves as a comprehensive unit supporting faculty and other departments in the areas of program review, curriculum and course development, outcomes assessment, and academic quality and integrity, which ultimately promote the goal of student achievement and success.
A Message from Ms. Lauer
At UAGC, we are committed to academic excellence by promoting and supporting effective learning environments for all students to realize this goal, we collaborate with faculty and other campus partners, drawing on our wide range of expertise in course and program design, educational technology, assessment, learning spaces, and curricular research. We provide faculty and academic leadership support through the collection, compilation, and analysis of information that leads to informed decision-making to support educational effectiveness efforts. The result is a continuous cycle of goal setting, measurement, and action, which leads to systematic improvements in instructional effectiveness, an enhanced learning environment, and, most importantly, a better learning experience with greater levels of student success.