Reach the pinnacle of your career in education when you include the Early Childhood Education specialization in your degree program. If you choose to specialize in Early Childhood Education, you will look specifically at topics such as physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of babies and preschool-aged children. These courses are taught online as part of your degree program. The University of Arizona Global Campus offers an Early Childhood Education specialization for select degrees such as the Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies and the Master of Arts in Education. Your specialization may require prerequisite course work. Please talk to your advisor for more information.

Program Disclosures

ECE 624 Advanced Topics in Child Development, Learning, and Developmentally Appropriate Practices ECE 631 Building Family and Community Partnerships ECE 642 Quality Curriculum in Early Childhood Education ECE 671 Management and Administration of Early Childhood Programs
Refine your knowledge of child development further when you select the Early Childhood Education specialization for your Master of Arts in Education degree. The Early Childhood Education specialization covers language acquisition, classroom management, and the impact of families and communities on schools. You will learn to design primary-school curricula, deliver differentiated instruction to children, and collaborate with parents and communities. This graduate degree specialization consists of four (4), three (3) credit courses.


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