Artificial Intelligence Emphasis

Undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Emphasis Courses

AIS 200 Principles of Artificial Intelligence

3 Credits

This course provides students with the understanding of the key principles, techniques, and applications associated with artificial intelligence (AI) for business strategies and transformation. Students will gain knowledge about knowledge representation, game theory, search problems using computational theories. The course will also explore different issues surrounding AI such as ethics and bias. Some key concepts and terms like deep learning and neural networks will also be covered as part of the course.

AIS 250 Principles of Machine Learning

3 Credits

In this course, students will examine fundamental concepts and theories related to machine learning. Students will explore the different machine learning models that include: supervised and unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Students will gain an understanding of applications of machine learning in different areas and how to select the appropriate model for a particular scenario. Students will also relate machine learning to other related areas like artificial intelligence, data analytics, and data science.

AIS 300 Principles of Data Analytics

3 Credits

This course introduces you to the basics of data science and data analytics for handling of massive databases. The course covers concepts data mining for big data analytics, and introduces you to data visualization and some basic statistical concepts for data science.

CPT 200 Fundamentals of Programming Languages

3 Credits

This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn fundamentals of computer programming including primitive data types, expressions, control statements, functions, and arrays. Students in this course will be using Python programming language. Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language.

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