As you strive to achieve your goals, sometimes unexpected events happen. Life can present many challenges, and things are not always easy. Don’t let these facts weigh you down. Bounce back and be resilient.

In his article “The Five Levels of Resiliency,” Al Siebert says that when you are faced with adversity, remember that your mind and habits will create either barriers or bridges to your future. People can grow from adversity, and when you recover from setbacks, you develop strengths that you may not have known existed.

Resiliency is one of humanity’s most useful traits. Resiliency refers to your capacity to thrive and reach your full potential despite problems. People who recover after a setback are more resourceful and mentally strong. Resilient people put problems in perspective; they do not make problems bigger than they really are. Resilient people see problems as opportunities for growth, learning, and development. Resiliency allows you to find a solution.

Sometimes things go wrong which may be beyond our control. In these situations you should be resilient and keep a positive attitude. It may be necessary to modify your actions, beliefs, and behaviors to become more resilient. John Wooden, the legendary UCLA Basketball coach, shared this thought: “Things work out the best for those who make the best of the way things work out.”

How can you be resilient? Here are five suggestions that Siebert gives in “The Five Levels of Resiliency“:

1. Maintain your health, well being, and emotional stability.

Take care of yourself and treat yourself well by managing things that cause stress. Always remember- you matter! So, do your very best to take care of yourself!

2. Focus outward.

Develop and apply your problem-solving skills in challenging situations. When you recognize problems, take time to reflect and explore what the root causes may be. Can you control them? If so, what strategies and plans will you make to solve the problems? If not, how can you modify your actions and behaviors so things work out for the best? Remember, once you decide and have your strategy and plans in place, take the appropriate action.

3. Focus inward.

Develop your self-esteem, self-confidence, and positive self-concept. Don’t waste too much energy on things you cannot control, nor dwell on the past. Stay engaged, be productive, and strive for positive outcomes and results.

4. Keep a positive attitude and outlook.

Optimistic people see the good in people and believe in favorable results. It pays to be positive. This attitude does not mean positive people are blind to negative and challenging experiences. Rather, they seek to understand and learn from experience by looking for solutions, setting goals, and taking action. Many researchers believe optimism, drive, and self-confidence are very important factors for your success.

5. Serendipity does happen.

Believe in the future, and turn bad luck into fortune. Eventually, you’ll find that because you’ve served well, worked hard, and created positive outcomes, you’ll end up far better than you ever thought you would. Doors open, opportunity knocks, and you accomplish amazing things.

Follow these suggestions, and you can maintain a high level of resilience. When unexpected challenges come up, you can shift your behavior and beliefs. That way, you will be resilient and bounce back.


Written by Bill Davis, MA, CM

Bill is an instructor with Forbes School of Business at the University of Arizona Global Campus.

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