Forbes School of Business and Technology® Board of Advisors

Bruce Rogers

Bruce Rogers

Marketing: How to Market When You Are the Product

Bruce Rogers is a Senior Contributor for Forbes Media, writing about technology innovation and profiles of founding CEOs. He is also a recognized leader in growth strategies. He is Managing Director of the Revenue Enablement Institute, where he leads research and publishing initiatives focused on how today's CXOs leverage technology and facilitate teamwork to create profitable growth. For more than 30 years, Bruce has been on the front lines studying and engaging the leaders of world-class growth organizations. His Forbes column has profiled over 600 innovative CEOs, CXOs, and entrepreneurs. He spent most of his career at Forbes serving in leadership roles, including Chief Brand Officer, Chief Insights Officer and founder of the Forbes Insights research division, and founder of the Forbes CMO Network and CMO Practice, including the Forbes annual CMO Summit.

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