Rich Karlgaard
Publisher of Forbes Magazine
Rich Karlgaard is the Publisher of Forbes magazine, an American journalist, best-selling author, award-winning entrepreneur, and speaker. In 1992, he started Forbes ASAP along with Steve Forbes and George Gilder. He is a respected forecaster of how events and upcoming trends—tech, financial markets and especially the impact of Washington politics—will affect business and the economy. Rich is also an expert on successful corporate culture and how they can attain a sustainable competitive advantage in a fast-changing world.
Rich Karlgaard worked tirelessly as well and delivered three amazing interviews (one with faculty , one with our CWL chair, and one with our alumni). These three individuals overcame so much in their lives and are now thriving. The main goal of this project is to raise awareness of both our student and faculty population, provide inspiration, and prompt interest in our programs and offerings. Rich’s professionalism and dedication to this project are not surprising, and we owe him enormous gratitude. In addition (as if that is not enough) the course Rich collaborated on BUS608 (Great CEOs and investment-leadership strategy) is live in our MBA program and is well-received by our students. We wanted to share these videos with all of you: