Questions? Talk with an Advisor
Step 1 of 2
1. Your Interest
2. About you
Learning That Fits Your Unique Lifestyle
Your Success is Our Success
From day one to graduation and beyond, you’ll benefit from the resources and tools you need to reach your goals.
Student Life
UAGC is a thriving community of students, alumni, and faculty members who provide a rich and rewarding online college experience.
Become Part of Something Bigger
When you enroll at the University of Arizona Global Campus, you are more than just a student. You become part of the greater UAGC family. Discover opportunities to connect with peers and thrive at any stage of your college education and even after you earn your degree
Education for All
Military? We’ve Got Your Six
UAGC provides the resources and personalized support you need to balance your education, family, military duty, and career goals.

Join the UAGC Community
Ready to Become Part of the UAGC Family?
Take the next step and begin your exciting journey as a member of our global UAGC community.