Christopher Foster

Christopher Foster, PhD

Program Chair

College of Arts and Sciences
Social & Behavioral Science
"Teaching at UAGC enables the philosophical ideal of the rational pursuit of truth and wisdom to be made clear and accessible to a wide variety of students."


  • PhD, Philosophy

    University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States, 1999

  • MA, Philosophy

    University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States, 1995

  • Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Mathematics and Philosophy

    UC Davis, 1991



Dr. Christopher Foster is program chair of philosophy in the Academic Engagement Center at the University of Arizona Global Campus. He has a PhD and a Master's degree in philosophy from the University of Kansas, with a specialization in the philosophy of logic and language. His undergraduate work was completed at UC Davis where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and philosophy. He has been teaching and developing courses, with a focus on teaching logic and critical thinking at Ashford/UAGC since 2013. Dr. Foster has a passion for philosophy and believes that digging deeply into life’s ultimate questions is often the best way to improve students’ critical thinking and writing skills. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife, two daughters, and one very large cat.

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This program requires you to be a current licensed registered nurse. Please check out other programs to reach your education goals such as the BA in Health and Wellness.

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We are currently not accepting new enrollments in the state of North Carolina.